
Tallivahdin year 2018 was the year of our Future Hopes

Tallivahdin year 2018 was the year of our Future Hopes

There has been now 110 Tallivahdin hovawarts and 50 % of them is under 5 year old. That explains my headline: we have now more young than middle age or old dogs. And many owners of our young dogs are already shown to be VERY active that pleases me A LOT! So I have many hopes for the future. 

Three out of 11 C-puppies, Chanson, Controller and Courbette are now 12,5 year old and they are the oldest Tallivahdin hovis at the moment. Four of C-puppies born on the 5th of July in 2006 died this year and all by different reasons. One of them was my dear Sissi, C.I.B FI & SE CH JK3 FH2 BH Tallivahdin Cremefarben. we had to let her go to the rainbow bridge at the age of 11 years 10 months because had a bone tumour in her left wrist and she started to limp it more and more. She was the mother of Tallivahdin F-litter, that had 7 puppies, and grandmother of Hoffen-Haus P-litter and Tallivahdin I, J and M -litters. Sissi was the grandmother altogether to 32 puppies.

In our E-litter 7/8 celebrated their 10th Birthday on 23th of February and 4/7 F-puppies celebrated their 8th Birthday on the 14 of July. At the moment we have 10 veteran hovawarts living, 8 middle aged hovis (G-litter that is 7 years now) and 55 young dogs under 5 years old. Altogether there are 73 Tallivahdin hovawarts alive in the moment.

And because I just love statistics this was just the prologue. 😉

In year 2018 we got 7 working-dog test results made by 6 hovawarts and 6 BH test results

Altogether nine Tallivahdin hovawarts took part in 16 working-dog tests and six of them succeeded and made a result. In year 2018 in Finland there were totaly 34 hovawarts in 71 working-tests and got altogether 36 test results.

Tallivahdin Irrlicht ”Hertta” was the best Tallivahdin working-hovi this year. She made good FH2 result with 80 points and got also her first result in Finnish National tracking in forest + IPO like obedience, JK1 with 243/300 points. Tallivahdin Genie ”Ritu” made also a good FH2 result. Veterans Forscherin ”Ofelia” and Freiberufler ”Repe” made also FH2 results and Repe won again silver in Finnish Hovawart FH Championship Games. That was Repe´s 19th working-test result.

We got two new tracking dogs: Tallivahdin Kaiser ”Kapu” made FH1 with good points and Tallivahdin Mirakelmann ”Miro” made JK1 with good points in Finnish Hovawart Club Championship Games. Miro is my fifth hovawart and the fourth one I have made tracking results with and we made a new history of Tallivahdin and maybe in all Finnish hovawarts: Miro was just 15 months old when he made JK1. There is a 500 m track in forest, IPO1 like obedience part and object surching in 50 m x 50 m area in forest.

Tallivahdin future in working tests looks very good because totally 6 Tallivahdin hovawarts made BH test:  Journalistin "Flora", Kapellmeister "Kassu", Liebling "Martta", Meerjungfrau "Mendy", Minaya "Minca" and Mirakelmann "Miro". 4/6 of them were just 1+ year old while they made the test and Minaya and Mirakelmann were just 1 year 4 days old on their test day. Hopefully in year 2019 we will make our new record and several 2 year old dogs will make working test results! That is the ideal of succesfull working dog breeding!

We got our fifth Finnish Champion and historically our first C.I.E!!!

Show year 2018 was quite normal with Tallivahdin hovawarts. We got two new Show Champions 4 year old dogs FI CH FH2 JK1 BH Tallivahdin Irrlicht ”Hertta” won her last CAC and Tallivahdin Hauptmann ”Romeo” won his second Finnish CACIB and second CACIB abroad from Lithuania. Hauptmann have now 4 CACIBs out of three different countries and is waiting for his International Show Champion, C.I.E title, to be official in FCI. That is just great success and one of Tallivahdin historical highlights!!!!

Totally 20 Tallivahdin hovawarts out of 8 litters took part in dog shows altogether 49 times. Hauptmann ”Romeo” was our best Show Dog this year with 2 BOB and 1 BOS results, 2 CACIB and C.I.E. His brother NO CH BH Tallivahdin Hasselhoff ”Hasse” was our second best Show Dog this year with 2 BOB results in just two shows one in Finland and one in Norway. And in Finland he won CACIB.

Three Tallivahdin hovawarts won CAC. Löwin ”Likka” won CAC in her first show when she was just 9 months old and became BB4 in Turku INT show. Irrlicht ”Hertta” won her third CAC and with her working-test results she became FI CH. She is the fifth Tallivahdin Finnish Champion and third generation of FI CH in that bitch line. Tallivahdin Mirakelmann ”Miro” won his first CAC in his first official show at the age of 14 months. In that same show, Turun Elonäyttely, the father of our M-litter C.I.B FI WCH NORD CH FI & SE & NO CH HeJW-11 JK3 FH2 TK1 BH Tallivahdin Freiberufler ”Repe” was both BOS and VET BOS.

This year 20 Tallivahdin hovawarts got 21 (43 %) EXCellent show judgements, 25 (51 %) Very Good, 2 (4 %) Good and 1 DSQ.

Other results and merits of this year

Four Tallivahdin hovawarts took part in obedience test in Tervakoski Finnish Hovawart Club weekend. Tallivahdin Journalistin ”Flora” made very good result 178,5/200 points in beginner class and Genie ”Ritu” and 1 year old Minaya ”Minca” made good results in beginner class. Repe and me were in Open class but we had had too little practice and too much fun – so we did not get any acceptable result but we made people, also the judge, laugh several times…

Tallivahdin Inhaberinnen ”Heta” is the first Tallivahdin hovi that is in assistant dog training. She is trained to assist, calm down, an autistic child in balancing his impulsive behavior. Heta´s trainings have advanced well and she will hopefully be the first hovawart in that duty and she will assist the boy of her family.

4 Tallivahdin dogs took part in Finnish mental test and three of them passed it Heerführerin ”Hefu”, Jauchzer ”Remus” and Journalistin ”Flora” and they all fulfill now all IHF criterias for international breeding. For Hefu we have already breeding plans in the end of year 2019 and the male is hopefully a nice Swedish bred male Hässlehoff Asterix-Jasminsson that lives in Denmark. He has been BOB in Danish Hovawart Club Show and has result in international rescue test RH-FL A. This litter will be our P-litter. Also Flora is hopefully our future mother after she has made some working test results.

N-litter with 9 lively and lovely puppies is our 13th litter and the 4th imported Tallivahdin male

We got also wonderful puppies this year when my Great Repe´s wonderful daughter Raksu, JV-15 Hoffen-Haus Penrosa, gave birth to 9 lovely N-puppies on 26th of September. The father of the litter is German RZV working male IP3 IPO-FH FH2 BH AD Dakota vom Bagalutenhof. Seven of puppies are bitches and two males. One male was imported to Lithuania and he is the fourth imported Tallivahdin male. Two bitches are still partly owned by me in order them to be our future breeding bitches.

Tallivahdin year 2018 included again two kennel weekends. One in the end of April when we trained playing with licenced IPO helper Jarmo Määttänen and of course we trained also FH tracking. In November we had Tallivahdin B&C weekend by famous Finnish professional dog trainer Esa Tapio.

New Year 2019 starts with a lot of training activities, some shows and dreams of our O and P litters

Tallivahdin Show year starts usually in Turku INT Show in the end of January but this year we will go to Gothenburg MyDog Shows with Irrlicht and Mirakelmann already in the first weekend of January. I have been there twice before, in 2013 with my Repe, Freiberufler, and he became SE CH and C.I.B. In 2014 we were there with Repe and his sister Ofelia and she became C.I.B. Then Ofelia was BOB one day and BOS the other day and my Repe was also once BOB and once BOS. So they won everything. This year 2019 we have also high hopes for our success but we will see…

Tallivahdin kennel will have our own weekly training time in a dog training hall near Salo from the beginning of January to the end of March. That is the first time we train systematically together for a longer period. We will also have two world famous professional working dog trainers learning us, Mia Skogster in the beginning of February and Marko Koskensalo in the beginning of March. We have also possibility to have some IPO helpers to train our dogs in the hall.

In the beginning of May we will have a weekend camp with tracking and different field & forest working dog sports. In that camp there will be also possibility to test the dogs cognitive capacitet with SmartDOG tests. SmartDOG is a Finnish company which offers science based canine cognitive tests suitable for every dog. 

In March we will travel to Germany with FI CH FH2 JK1 BH Tallivahdin Irrlicht ”Hertta” to meet already a legend of his generations of RZV working males IP3 FH2 BH Enzo vom Bergischen Löwen. And there are already several people waiting for this O-litter with a lot of working power and happy hovawart attitude!

MANY THANKS to Tallivahdin hovawart owners of your activity in year 2018 and we really have A LOT OF FUN THINGS TO WAIT TOGETHER in New Year 2019!

Happy New Year to Everyone!

In this beautiful painting is my Miro as a puppy, ÄLLIKKÄMIES, painted by a professional artist Tuula Toukkari the owner of Tallivahdin Hoffnung




