
Tallivahdin kennel had again great success in Tervakoski Club Show: BIS2 breeder and 4 class placements! Our biggest star was FH2 BH Tallivahdin Englein that won working class and was the 4th best bitch!

Tervakoski  hovawart weekend has happily ended and Tallivahdin kennel had again a great success!  This weekend was also the warmest weekend of Finnish summer (over +26 C) but it did not disturb our competition condition!

On Saturday in the world´s biggest hovawart show of Finnish Hovawart Club there were c. 254 dogs, that were judged in four rings and you could cheer for 10 Tallivahdin hovis. On Sunday in Finnish Hovawart Club´s obedience championship games you could see c. 60 hovawarts and there were 5 Tallivahdin hovis. This weekend is naturally super exciting and we started our celebration of hovawarts already on Friday evening on the sports fields of Tervakoski village.

On Saturday morning all rings started at 10 o´clock but all Tallivahdin dogs were presented after noon. In Tervakoski hovi show dogs are presented in colour order at first black and tan dogs, then golden ones and last black ones. That also makes the following of the show even more exciting...

The first Tallivahdin dog in ring was our only black and tan dog Genie "Ritu" that competed in junior bitch class among 24 bitches. The judge was German special judge Josef Jais who liked Ritu a lot and she got EXC quality judgement. So Tallivahdin day started excellently and our spirit was high!

Next Tallivahdin dog was in open bitch ring among 53 bitches and she was recently 2 year filled HeJW-11 BH Tallivahdin Forscherin "Ofelia". Our expectations were high for her because last summer in this Tervakoski hovi show she became JUN EXC2 CQ and was still in all bitch final among 6 best bithces! She has also had great show succes in many shows already as a young dog (BOB, CACIB, 2xCAC etc). All adult bitches in classes open, working and champion were judged byt German Antje Jatzak. She liked Ofelia a lot and gave her a nice judgement but decided then to disqualify her because Ofelia has her last coccygeal vertebra in her tail top little bit inclinated. That was naturally a big shock for us all! Many other bitches were also disqualificated in her ring and we heard afterwards that organisators of the show had forgot to tell that in Finland anomaly in the tail top does not matter in breeding and dog shows. It just belongs to the normal evolution of a dog and is not correlated to other anomalies. But in dog shows also in special club shows judges decisions are the law and afterwards there is just nothing to do to change the judgements. We were very unhappy about this.
Our next dog was 2 years old HeJW-11 BH Tallivahdin Freiberufler "Repe" that competed among 59 open class males. His show merits are also very convincing already (BOB, BOS, CACIB, 2xCAC etc). Last summer here in Tervakoski club show as a 12 months old junior he got already EXC and he was one of our BIS1 breeder group dogs. Our expectations of course correlated his former success. The judge in open class males was Austrian Elena Skvarilova. She is the first judge in this Tervakoski hovawart show I have ever seen to be afraid of dogs. She did not want to look the teeth herself and she asked if she can touch the dog and made touching very carefully. That is very strange already in normal dog shows because the judge must also evaluate the behavior of dogs in the ring and in that I think one criteria is how the dog lets the judge to handle him. And our Repe has so far loved every people he has met and he just stands still when handled. But it was also very obvious that Skvarilova did not like Repe at all and she looked especially negatively his big tail that he carries sooo proudly with BIG ego. I pulled his tail down while we were standing but soon after 30 seconds he hold it up again like a flag. So Repe got his first G, good. After Ofelia´s destiny Repe´s G made us just laugh but my dream of a wonderful golden breeder group was in danger because we had only 4 golden dogs left...
Next Tallivahdin dogs were 3 black junior sisters Geliebten ”Hilta”, Gewinnerin ”Melba” and Göttinnen ”Kitta”. The judge Josef Jais liked also them a lot and both Hilta and Melba got EXCellent and Kitta got Very Good. So now we had at least four dogs that were fine enough for the breeder group. That is naturally one of the main things for us breeders in Club Shows. 
Junior bitches are after open classes the biggest class and therefore the competition is very hard. From our excellent G-sister both Genie and Gewinnerin were among the five best junior bitches that judge Jais made to run for several rounds around the very big ring. Rings in this Tervakoski show are huge because there are so many dogs in classes. And a working-dog must have a good movement! Therefore you must be prepared to really run in all final competitions. Finally Jais said thank you to Genie and Satu and replaced Melba to fourth place. So Gewinnerin "Melba" in a new Tallivahdin Club Show star! Congratulations Melba and Mili!
Then it was time for the main class of Tallivahdin that is working class bitches. In there among 8 bitches there were C.I.B. FI & SE MVA JK3 FH2 Tallivahdin Cremefarben ”Sissi” (mother of our F litter), FH1 BH Tallivahdin Emanze ”Laku”(the future mother of our planned H litter) and FH2 BH Tallivahdin Englein ”Mango” (the mother of our G litter). The judge was Antje Jatzak as already mentiond. I was very afraid of Sissi to get her first DSQ because she has the top of a her tail stiffed and her daughter Ofelia had just been DSQ because of her tail top... Luckily Sissi got VG and my dream of a golden breeder group got stronger!
Next to go was Emanze "Laku" that is our most shining Club Show star: she won intermediate class 09 and last year 11 she became the 3rd in open class and the 3rd among all bitches! So our expectations were high again! And Laku and Sarri did not fail them and Laku got EXC. Right after her came her sister Englein "Mango", who judge Jatzak also gave EXC. Then was for us even more exciting working bitch final where two Tallivahdin bitches were competing. Jatzak placed Laku on the third place while Mango and her owner Mili still had to keep running. And they run SOOO well that they won the whole class! So Mango is also a new Club Show star of Tallivahdin! Very many congratulations to beautiful 4 year old sisters Laku and Mango! Our camp spirit was now so high that we took some champagne and cream cake already now while there were still one Tallivahdin dog to go! And she was a golden bitch in veteran class, the mother of Emanze and Englein beautiful BH Tallivahdin Bildschön.
Bildschön "Kylli" had class placement in Tervakoski already very young she was BOB Puppy and became second in intermediate class bitches. Our expectations were therefore high again! The judge of veteran bitches was German breeding expert of RZV Ines Mirbach and she judged Kylli to be the second best of all 18 veteran bitches! VERY MANY CONGRATULATIONS TO KYLLI AND TIIA!  So now we had again a high quality golden bitch group to present in breeder class! And the expectations just kept growing…
In the competition of the best bitch there were certificate quality (CQ) judged Bildschön and her daughters Emanze and Englein and rest of us werre cheering! There were a great mount of CQ bitches among 254 dogs in this final and atmosphare was very intensive. The judge was again Antje Jatzak and she took after a loooong run Englein to the middle of the ring and finally placed her to the fourth place. Mango and Mili got to run like in Olympic games but it was worth of all swet!  VERY MANY CONGRATULATIONS!
Then there was maybe the most exciting final breeder class competition. 22 breeders had registrated to this class this year. This year it was again easier to get a breeder group of four dogs because you could take also VG dogs to the group like it has normally been also before. Last year 2011 was exception because the criteria was harder: all breeder class dogs had to have EXC judgements. But that was no harm for us last year because Tallivahdin won BIS1 although we had just 5 dogs in the whole show. Our BIS1 group year 2011 included golden dogs Cremefarben, Emanze, Forscherin and Freiberufler. They where form three litters and from three mothers and fathers. 
Our this year golden breeder group was made of Bildschön, Cremefarben, Emanze and Englein. They also came from three different litters and from three different mothers and fathers. This same group was BIS2 here in Club Show 2009. So you can imagine that our hopes were high again! And the judge was again Antje Jatzak who picked soon up us among the four best groups. The great hovi audience cheered to everyone and the spirit was high! So we shined and ended to BIS2 breeder again! It was the third breeder class placement of Tallivahdin 11 year old history. VERY MANY THANKS TO WONDERFUL TALLIVAHDIN GOLDEN BITCHES WITH THEIR OWNERS KYLLI&TIIA, MANGO&MILI, LAKU&SARRI AND TO MY LOVE SISSI!
But we had still one game to run! Mango was the first Tallivahdin dog that got her own progeny group. Show rules have changed so that you can have a progeny group that have 4 dogs out of one litter. That suits very fine to Tallivahdin breeding strategy because we use our dogs only once for breeding! Progeny classes are only in Special Club Shows. So Englein "Mango" and her G-daughters Genie, Geliebten, Gewinnerin and Göttingen presented very well late at evening among 16 progeny groups. The judge was Elena Skvarilova thought that mango´s daughters were better than Mango so the breeding has succeeded although we did not get any placement! Hopefully it is a good sign for the future years to come! VERY MANY THANKS TO ALL TALLIVAHDIN DOGS AND PEOPLE FOR LOVELY PRESENTATIONS AND WONDERFUL SPIRIT! LET US KEEP THESE AS WELL ALSO IN THE FUTURE! We who stayed in the camp had a VERY LOOOONG night and a real thunder storm!!
On Sunday there were the Club Campionship Game in obedience that had almost 60 hovis. There were supposed to be 7 Tallivahdin dogs but Cowboy and Emanze skipped the game. Tallivahdin owners are more active in working dog sports and no one of us has obedience as a hobby. So these obedience games are just once in a summer adventure in Tervakoski! That is why we usually stay long in beginner (ALO) class…
This summer obedience adventure starter of Tallivahdin was Freiberufler "Repe" and me. Repe´s obedience career started very well with 162 points out of 200 that is ALO1-result in beginner class. The heat of c. +26 C and the powerfull presentation of two days and nights had made Repe (and me) a little tired but Repe is an obedient boy that did what he has thaught to do. And that made good result.
Nex pair to go was Englein "Mango" and Mili and their obedience were almost as showy as their yesterday´s show presentation. One unfortunate miss with result 0 in one movement made they loose so much points that they got 152,5/200 and ALO2-result.  Then was turn for Eminent "Hulda" and Maarit, who made almost no mistakes at all and got fine result of 169/200 pistettä and ALO1-result.
Then was Forscherin "Ofelia" and Saana in test. Our youngest and less experienced couple must still have some more training in co-operation because many movements had too much problems and they got not acceptable result (29/200). Last Tallivahdin dog to go was Cremefarben "Sissi" and me. Because I wanted to take part with my both dogs I had to go with Sissi to open class (AVO) even though I had sweared to be a beginner class competitor for my whole life... Last year Sissi and I won the beginner class so I also thought that we are rather obedient already. I should have read the rules more carefull in order to make strategically right things but now I was not so aware and that made us 0 points in two movements that costed 50 points totally. Other movements went rather well and we got an acceptable AVO3-result with 129/200 points. And I am really happy with that. 
Totaly Tallivahdin hovis and their owners were very obedient this summer even though we had no changes to compete for the placements of the title of the most obedience kennel competition.  To that we would need more open and even higher winner class dogs. in winner classes max points are 300 and that really makes the difference. But we will see if we get some more open class dogs already next summer ;-) THANK YOU OUR OBEDIENT COMPETITIORS AND SUPPORTERS - WE HAD FUN AND LET´S DO IT AGAIN NEXT YEAR! Maybe we can do it even better...

