
Cremefarben was qualified to the first FH Championship games ever of Finnish Hovawart Club

Finnish Hovawart Club orginizes this year for the first time own Club Championship games in FH. Six best hovawarts according to year 2011 and 2012 FH2-results were qualified to take part and our C.I.B FI&SE CH JK3 FH2 Tallivahdin Cremefarben "Sissi" is one of them. I am very happy and proud of it and now we can also test our new skllls we just learned from Outi Hermiö!

Tallivahdin kennel has put a lot of effort in FH for years now and we have most hovis with FH-results in Finland even though this working-dog sport is very new in Finland among hovawarts. Finnish hovawarts made their first results in 2009. Tallivahdin kennel also donates the prize that Club FH Champion gets for now on for one year. 

FH Championships are in Inko in Helsinki region on the 25.8.2012 in the fields of Västankvarn Manor. Test starts at 10.30 o´clock and the judge is Pentti Rapila and 2012 World Champion silvermedalist Raine Holm is tracking corresponder. Hopefully hovi-audience also finds their way to the games! See you in Inko!
