
7 Tallivahdin hovis took part in FH coaching of Outi Hermiö

Outi Hermiö´s FH-coaching was organized by our own little club Varsinaiset Hoffit ry www.varhof.net, where several Tallivahdin hovawart owners are active in. I was one of the founders of this Club in year 2005 and have been a chair of the club for years. Today Varsinaiset Hoffit is the leading Club of FH in this part of Finland near Turku city and we organize several FH tests yearly. This year we founded an alliance with local grass farmers www.bigpack.fi  and other working-dog sports clubs and we have a tracking competition center of FH and IPO in Länsitalo farm here in Masku. In Länsitalo farm there is also a boutique of clothing etc  www.erakoira.fi .

This summer we wanted to organize a serie of FH coaching and we were very delighted to get a famous Finnish IPO and FH hobbyist Outi Hermiö to train us. Outi is a lower high school teacher of mathematichs, physics and chemistry and we really felt that we are in the hands of a professional pedagogist! Coaching happened once a week for three weeks and mean time we had of course some home works to do. There were altogether 11 dogs out of which 9 were hovawarts and 7 of them were Talilvahdin hovis: Cremefarben, Emanze, Englein, Freiberufler, Genie, Gewinnerin ja Göttinnen.

We were all very pleased with Outi in every way and thought that we learned more foundamentally important ideas and things how to train our dogs. This knowhow needs to have some hundred training sessions in order to be embraced...  VERY MANY THANKS TO OUTI AND HOPEFULLY THIS WAS JUST A BEGINNING TO A GOOD CO-OPERATION!

As a breeder I am very proud to mention here that Outi was sincerely pleased of the open and co-operative nature of Tallivahdin hovawarts and congratulated me every time we trained. I appreciate a lot of her feedback and it makes my breeding hobby much nicer and my expectations got stronger that Tallivahdin hovis will gain succes in working-dog sports in future!

Outi Hermiö ja FH-valmennettavien hoffien ohjaajat kesällä 2012


