11.02.2014 H-litter has born and there is 11 lively puppies: 2 blond bitches, 6 blond males and 3 sm males. JUST FANTASTIC! |
Tallivahdin H-litter is again a big one totaly 11 puppies! Now we have had 11 puppies in every generation of our litters. We had 11 puppies also in A and C litters. And our average puppy amount in one litter is now over 9 :-D Just SUPER WORK LAKU AND ARTTU! And the amount of males is just amazing 9! And this time there were more people waiting for bitches than males so couple of males is still looking for a nice hovi home. Parents FH2 BH Tallvahdin Emanze "Laku" and C.I.B. C.I.E. MultiChampion FH2 IP1 JK1 Asher Sus Armoni "Arttu" are represented in Puppy news side and here you can see their puppies. Puppies weight among 360-520 g so there were almost 5 kg puppies inside Laku and that is much for her normal weight is 32 kg. Everything went very well, puppies are very lively and Laku was just suveren and cool mother already from beginning. Litter lives in Laku´s owner´s Sarri´s childhood home in Suonenjoki where she also works this winter and it is some 450 kms from Masku to there. So I will have many nice road trips this spring... :-) THANKS TO VERY GOOD BIRTH ASSISTANTS SARRI AND HER MOTHER SIRPA AND NOW YOU WILL HAVE JUST WONDERFULL PUPPY SPRING! Photos are taken by Sarri |
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