
Tallivahdin Gauner "Onni" started his searching career with a nice result with scholarship HK1 - CONGRATULATIONS ONNI & MAARIT!

Onni 3 year old is also the first Tallivahdin searching dog that barks when he finds a people. He got also nice comments of his enthusiastic and active behavior! Breeding based working dog results is succesfull but it could not be possible without motivated and ambitious dog trainers - YOU ARE JUST AN EXCELLENT EXAMPLE OF A GOOD TEAM ONNI & MAARIT!
The points today were human (2/3 people) surching in forest 157/170, object (1/3) surching in 50mx50m areas 28/30 p and 71/100 points from the same obedience that in IPO1. Total points 256/300 and scholarship HK1. :-D