
Cremefarben won bronze in Finnish Hovawart Club FH Championship games with nice 88 points and Emanze became the fourth with 79 points - WELL DONE BLONDIES!

Today was the FH Championship Games of Finnish Hovawart Club in Hausjärvi and the judge was Seppo Hursti. There were 5 hovawarts compiting and 3 of them were Tallivahdin hovis. Cremefarben " Sissi" won bronze with 88 points - MY SUPER SISSII! She was the Club Champion in forest tracking year 2011 (JK3 includes IPO3 like obedience and 1,5 km long track in woods) and now on the field in FH. Her son Freiberufler my "Repe" was not normal himself and did not get a result that was a great disappointment. I thought he might have a flu or ticks in his nose so I got medicine to that on Tuesday after this test.... Hopefully it works before next weekend and THE BIG GAME of IPO-FH Finnish Championship. Emanze "Laku" and Sarri got nice points 79 in a hard wind and it is their best FH2 result so far and they became the fourth. The winner of the day was an 11 years old bitch with 95 point s and her son became the 2nd with 92 points.  I have planned to breed with the boy and Tallivahdin Fährtenhündin next year so I was almost as happy of their success as my own. MANY CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL OF US and thanks to Hanna of the photo of Sissi and me on the left! Laku and Sarri are on the right.
Pronssia Sissi ja Minna Neljäs sija Laku ja Sarri