06.12.2014 In Helsinki Winner Show 5/6 Tallivahdin hovis got placements, our best was Ofelia with BB4, our golden breeder group became 2nd with HP! The father of H-litter Arttu made Finnish Hovawart history with IPO2 result! CONGRATULATIONS AND THANKS TO ALL OF YOU |
Helsinki Winner Show was a very nice place to celebrate Finnish National day! There were 54 hovawarts + 4 puppies and the judge was a living legend Greman dual purpose (show, IPO, FH, ZTP) hovawart judge Gisbert Langheim. Tallivahdin hovis got nicely 5/6 placements! Just 9 months old juniors from H-litter Hindernisläufer VG3 and Herzogin VG4 got Very Good judgements and all older dogs got EXCellent: Cremefarben VET EXC, Forscherin Working Class EXC1 CQ, Freiberufler Working Class EXC2 CQ and Genie Working Class EXC2. Tallivahdin Queen was Ofelia (C.I.B FI MVA HeJW-11 FH1 PEHA-A BH Tallivahdin Forscherin), who became Best Bitch 4 among 32 hovawart bitches! After several years pause we got again a breeder group in Winner Show (Herzogin, Forscherin, Freiberufler, Cremefarben) that was a golden one and became second with Honour Price. Many thanks to all our grear hovawarts and their owners and all our good cheer leaders - we really had a nice and fun day! In ring photos you see the all time youngest Tallivahdin hovawart + handler: Junior bitch Herzogin 9 months and junior handler Veera 12 years. They became the 4th among 7 JUN bitches and I am sure we will here about them in the future! The crown of the nice day was earned byt the father of our H-litter Arttu, C.I.B C.I.E Multi CH FH2 IP2 JK1 BH Asher Sus Armon, and his owner made Finnish hovawart hobby history: they got IPO2 result as the first hovawart in our country! Next year 2015 hovawarts will have World Championship Games in IPO and hopefully they also earned a ticket to that historical competition! MANY CONGRATULATIONS ARTTU AND MAARIT AND NOW YOU CAN ENJOY THIS SPIRIT ALL LONG WINTER! A little photo of breeders nice "earnings" of this lovely day: the beautiful clock was amde of the figure of Ofelia thanks to Saana and Outi and thank you for those delicious gifts to Yrjö and Janette! |
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