
Happy 1 year birthday to 11 H-puppies!

11 lively puppies were born on the 10.2.2014. There are 9 males and 2 bitches. Golden puppies were as much as in one normal litter totaly 8 and just 3 males were schwarz markend. Great parents of the litter are FH2 BH Tallivahdin Emanze "Laku" and C.I.B & C.I.E MultiChampion FH2 IP1 JK1 BH Asher Sus Armoni "Arttu".

HAPPY 1 year birthday to Graf, Hasse, Hefu, Hemmo, Hilkka, Hopo, Luca, Pörrö, Repokankaan Romeo, Ruutanan Romeo and Rymy.