
Tervakoski hovawart weekend went very well and the best Tallivahdin hovawart was FH2 TK1 BH Tallivahdin Englein - CONGRATULATIONS MANGO&MILI!

The world´s biggest hovawart happening, The Finnish Hovawart Club, obedience championship games (N=52) and club show (N=275) is happily over and Tallivahdin kennel got once again nice success even though variation of it was almost as much as in the Finnish summer weather...  The best Tallivahdin hovi in this weekend was FH2 TK1 BH Tallivahdin Englein,called Mango with her owner Mili. They became the second among 26 beginner class dogs with fine points 187/200 and got also HP and scholarship TK1. In the show Englein was the fourth of 11 working bitches with EXC4 CQ.

There were totally 5 Tallivahdin hovis in obedience and Mango & Mili were by far the most obedient of them all. Males Gauner with his owner Maarit and Freiberufler and me made our debutes in open class with acceptable results even though the minds of the boys were far away of obedience (= in girls).... A real hovi shows were made by Hasse 1 year and Sissi-grandmother 9 years. They had much more imagination and humour than obedient behavior ;-)

Hasse, that is Hasselhoff and his owner Janette showed nice healing work and the future is for sure in front of them. Sissi and me had our last obedience test together and with happy feelings we made in most movements 0 results. 


There were finally 15 Tallivahdin hovawarts when 2 were missing. Totally 7 Tallivahdin hovis got placements in their classes and 9 got EXCellent, 4 Very Good and 2 Good.

Junior males (22 dogs):
Tallivahdin Intellektuelle called Sakke G
Tallivahdin Heldenhaften
called Pörrö G
Intermediate males (10 dogs):
Tallivahdin Hasselhoff
called Hasse EXCI1 CQ
Tallivahdin Hauptdarsteller
called Rymy VG
Tallivahdin Hauptmann
called Romeo VG
Tallivahdin Hindernisläufer
called Hemmo EXC2 CQ
Tallivahdin Hochgelert
called Romeo EXC4 CQ
juniorinartut (34 bitches)
Tallivahdin Irreführendin
called Ansa VG
Tallivahdin Irrlicht
called Hertta EXC CQ

DENISE GAUDY, Switzerland

Working class (11 bitches)

Tallivahdin Cremefarben called Sissi VG
Tallivahdin Emanze
called Laku EXC3 CQ
Tallivahdin Englein
called Mango EXC4 CQ
Tallivahdin Forscherin
called Ofelia EXC1 CQ, and the price of kennel Hoffen-Haus

Tallivahdin Gewinnerin called Melba EXC

Working class males (6 dogs)
Tallivahdin Freiberufler
called Repe EXC2 CQ
Breeder class (17 breeder groups)
golden group: Emanze, Forscherin, Freiberufler, Irrlicht, no placement

THANKS TO ALL LOVELY TALLIVAHDIN HOVIS WITH THEIR OWNERS! Thanks to our happy evening team and BIG THANKS TO HANNA of all the lovely photos!

In photos you see all Tallivahdin hovis that got replacements and our breeder group.

