05.07.2016 10 Tallivahdin C-puppies are celebrating their 10 year Birthday today - HAPPY & JOYFUL B-DAY TO EVERYONE!!! |
10 Tallivahdin C-puppies are celebrating their 10 year Birthday today <3 <3 <3 MANY CONGRATULATIONS TO Capri, Cara, Cilla, Jesse, Kamu, Lola, Muusa, Rokka, Roope ja Sissi <3 Parents of our C-litter were mother Tallivahdin Bäuerin (m. BH Sateenkaaren Thunderbird, f. C.I.B GE & AT CH VPG3 BH Gigur vom Griessesch) and father BH Bedlam Yunior (m. Bedlam Goodbye Peace, f. V-00 JV-00 Kieferhof´s Showy Axterix). In photos there is Sissi, C.I.B FI & SE MVA JK3 FH2 BH Tallivahdin Cremefarben, who is the first International Champion and working dog in highest class in our kennel :-) She is also the mother of 7 F-puppies (f. VPG3 FH2 BH Cid vom Alten Schulweg) and after 3 of them she is already a grandmother of 25 puppies in Tallivahdin I and J-litters and in Hoffen-Haus P-litter. <3 I WISH ALL OF YOU WILL HAVE A VERY HAPPY AND LONG LIFE STILL TO GO |
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