21.08.2016 Freibrufler won bronze and Genie became the fourth in Finnish Hovawart FH Championship Games - MANY CONGRATS!!! |
Finnish Hovawart Club had FH Championship games. 4/6 hovis were from kennel Tallivahdin. Freiberufler made the best result of them 85 p (with 2 missing objects) and won bronze. His sister Forscherin tracked well the beginning but took then the false track and the tracking was interrupted. Their 10 year old mother Cremefarben tracked a while and marked 2 objects and then stopped and thought that she has now tracked enough. So she was interrupted. Genie and her owner Satu was in this competition for the first time and made FH2 result with 70/100 points and became totaly. THANK you all for a nice dog sport day and to the judge Pentti Rapila and active organizers in Inkoo. Niina & Piru won and Titta and black Kaapo (father of Tallivahdin J-litter) became the second - So many congratulations to you also!!! |
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