
NEW IN BLOG: Our breed´s new breeding target program for years 2019-2023, JTO, is ready to be strengthened - this former JTO has made working-dog test results to collaps by half and is it now the next goal to collapse our breed´s health?

JTO, the breeding target program and the related Pevisa, the hereditary disorder and illness prevention program, are key tools for dog breeding. They also transmit the values ​​of the breed organization both inside and outside the breed. We have had a very indifferent and even underestimating attitude towards working-dog test results for many years in our breed organization Finnish Hovawart Club, and it has remained a matter that is just being mentioned in the JTO. Working-dog tests popularity has fallen slightly so that less than 1/10 of the parents of dogs in the puppy list have a working-test result. Twenty years ago almost half of the breeding dogs had working-test results. In the running JTO, the number of service dog visits has collapsed to almost half, so now it's not so much fun to be able to find males with performance results of their working capacity. In 20 years, the working-dogs in the pedigree dogs have almost totally disappeared, and there are no longer any working-dog bottom in the Finnish Hovawart genealogy. Hovawart has been wanted to change only to a show dog :-( And now Finnish Hovawart Club has suggested that Pevisa breeding limit of HD should become C. There is no reason what so ever for that point. There is already possibility to have s special permition of Finnish Kennel Club to use a dog for breeding even when the dog does not furfill the Pevisa limits of the breed.
The yearly meeting of FHC is in next Saturday so these topics are very actual because in that meeting they shall decide about the future of hovawart as a working-dog and as a HD healthy breed.

This is shortly the main ideas I have now written in Finnish.

But fortunately I love traveling and elsewhere in Western Europe Hovawart's value is more closely related to its working capacity, so see you there!
