08.08.2010 We succeeded very well in organizing IPO tracks in Finnish working dog championship tests |
The most amazing weekend is now over! Our little club Varsinaiset Hoffit was in charge of IPO tracks in Finnish working dog championships and my honor was to be the master of the tracks. Altogether 5 owners of Tallivahdin was doing excellent job in order to give IPO dogs best possible tracking cirumstances. We were also in charge of group of 4 persons in B-part also obedience. And we did learn very much from this top class obedience! At the evening we grilled and enjoyed the companionship of each other and lovely Tallivahdin F-puppies. Out of 21 Finnish top IPO dogs 9 got 1-class result also points over 270/300. Weather was extremely warm about 30 degrees but dogs managed anyhow to do their normal working standard. 7 dogs out of the best ones where chosen to Finnish IPO world championship team. The world championship games are now in Finland on September and you can be sure that we are all there in audience enjoying excellent dog sport. THANK YOU LOVELY AND ACITIVE OWNER´S OF TALLIVAHDIN: Sanna, Camilla, Marita and Sarri! Finnish working dog championship: www.pksm2010.com IPO world championship: www.fci2010.com |
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