03.10.2010 Tallivahdin hot weekend camp was the highlight of the year! |
This year our Tallivahdin weekend camp was in Jokioinen (about 100 kms from Turku, Tampere and Helsinki) in Kuuman Kartano. Kuuma means hot in english why we called our camp The Hot Camp. This year there were altogether 10 Tallivahdin hovis and 3 other dogs with their owners. Tallivahdin dogs were Abendrot (called Abba), Camper (Kamu), Cowboy (Jesse), Cremefarben (Sissi), Edelmann (Eetu), Emanze (Laku), Englein (Mango), Forscherin (Ofelia), Freiberufler (Repe) and Fährtenhündin (Ira). Thank you all for this wonderfull weekend! Verysoon you can read more what really happened in the site of Happenings. |
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