26.08.2018 Tallivahdin Mirakelmann "Miro" 15 months old made his first working test result in tracking JK1 - MY TEENAGE MIRO IS A REAL MIRACLE!!! :-) | |
15.04.2018 NO CH BH Tallivahdin Hasselhoff became BOB in Seinäjoki INT Show | |
14.02.2018 6 Tallivahdin hovawarts were listed in FInnish Working Dog Clubś activity list of year 2017!!! CONGRATULATIONS & GOOD TRAINING SPIRIT ALSO TO YEAR 2018! | |
27.01.2018 Tallivahdin fifth generation of hovawarts are hopefully on their way when IP3 FH2 BH Enzo vom Bergischen Löwen and FH2 BH Tallivahdin Irrlicht mated successfully 27.-28.1.18 n Buchen | |
21.01.2018 Tallivahdin show year 2018 started EXCellently in Turku INT Show: Hauptmann BOS & CACIB, Löwin just 9 months old BF4 CAC and Tallivahdin BOB Breeder with HP!!! THANK YOU & CONGRATULATIONS | |
05.01.2018 NEW IN BLOG: Tallivahdin year 2017 had again some historical highlights | |
27.12.2017 NO CH BH Tallivahdin Hasselhoff was BOB in Norway Letohallen - MANY CONGRATULATIONS TEAM HASSE!!! | |
10.12.2017 Meehrschaum and Meisterwächter won Finnish Puppy Winner titles, Tallivahdin Puppy breeder group was BOB HP, Hauptmann EXC1 and Hoffen-Haus Penrosa won RECACIB! | |
09.12.2017 In Winner Shows: Tallivahdin Mirakelmann is Helsinki Puppy Winner and Hauptmann EXC2 & Kaiser EXC3 in open class!!! CONGRATULATIONS | |
26.11.2017 Tallivahdin Jauchzer BM3 RECAC RECACIB in Tampere INT Show and Tallivahdin BOB breeder with HP - THANK YOU & CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL!!! | |
17.11.2017 Tallivahdin Kaiser made BH - CONGRATULATIONS KAPU & SATU!!! | |
15.11.2017 Tallivahdin CALENDER 2018 is ready | |
04.11.2017 GREAT FH2 RESULTS: almost 10 years old sisters Englein 94/100 points & Emanze 81/100 points and just 3 years old Irrlicht 87/100 points - MANY CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL!!! | |
09.10.2017 ANOTHER HAPPY PUPPY NEWS: Tallivahdin Irrlicht is goint to meet great RZV working male IP3 FH2 BH Enzo vom Bergischen Löwen in January 2018 | |
04.10.2017 OUR 2018 puppy plans are getting more exact: JV-15 Hoffen-Haus Penrosa is going to meet great working male GER VDH & RZV CH IP3 FH2 Fpr3 BH Caro von Xamilou in spring | |
17.09.2017 Tallivahdin autumn training camp lasted 3 days and had 23 hovawarts with their owners!!! IPO was the main program in every day!!! | |
10.09.2017 Tallivahdin Jungfrau was BB2 RECAC in Muurame - CONGRATULATIONS TO DEBI & TARJA!!! | |
02.09.2017 Tallivahdin Kaiser was BM2 RES CAC in Helsinki Let´s Go Show!!! CONGRATULTIONS TO KAPU & SATU!! | |
13.08.2017 Tallivahdin Jauchzer made our HISTORY by becoming FCI2 group 3rd, Irrlicht was BOS and Tallivahdin was BOB breeder HP in Turku Elonäyttely! CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL!!! | |
14.07.2017 HAPPY 7 YEAR BIRTHDAY TO F-LITTER Ira, Fasu, Ofelia and Repe!!! | |
05.07.2017 7 C-puppies have their 11 year BIRTHDAY today: CONGRATULATIONS Capri, Cilla, Jesse, Kamu, Lola, Roope & Sissi | |
02.07.2017 5 Tallivahdin hovis trained in Finnish Hovawart Club working dog camp | |
20.05.2017 Our future breeding bitch JV-15 Hoffen-Haus Penrosa, "Raksu" the daughter of our Repe, made Finnish Mental test with nice points 189/300! SUPER-RAKSU!!! | |
18.05.2017 Tallivahdin Freiberufler made his second good FH2 result in this season, 84 points! SUPER-REPE <3 | |
14.05.2017 Tallivahdin Hauptmann was BOB in Salo and won his 3rd and last Finnish CAC!!! CONGRATULATIONS! | |
07.05.2017 20 hovawarts and their owners were in Tallivahdin training camp 6.-7.5. | |
07.05.2017 HK3 FH1 BH Tallvahdin Gauner started his working test season with result HK3 and good points 261/300. | |
07.05.2017 Tallivahdin Gebleter died very suddenly in his own garden :-( | |
03.05.2017 Freiberufler started his working test season with a nice F2 result 88 points! | |
24.04.2017 Tallivahdin Irrlicht made Finnish Mental test with nice points 174 and is now ready for international hovawart breeding! | |
20.04.2017 HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Löwin and Liebling <3 <3 | |
01.04.2017 There were 7 Tallivahdin hovis in 3 sports in Finnish Working Dog activity lists for the working dogs that have results in highest class! GREAT WORK EVERYONE!!! | |
23.03.2017 In SHW TOP 10 working hovi list there were 4 Tallivahdin hovis :-) and we were listed as 6./10 in Breeder´s show ranking :-) | |
21.01.2017 Turku INT Show started our year EXCellently and we had BOB Breeder group with HP - THANK YOU ALL <3 | |
20.01.2017 NEW IN BLOG: Tallivahdin year 2016 was great – we made many new working & show records and had a lot of fun in RZV breeding tests! | |
11.12.2016 HAPPY WINNER SHOW NEWS: The best Tallivahdin hovi was Forscherin with results Working EXC2 CQ BB4 and Hoffen-Haus Penrosa won her last CAC! CONGRATS BOTH!! | |
10.12.2016 GREAT DAY IN HELSINKI WINNER SHOW: Tallivahdin Journalistin <3 won title of Helsinki Junior Winner 2016, HeJW-16 and Repe and I got the Vuolasvirta breeder price of Finnish Kennel Club | |
12.11.2016 Tallivahdin Hauptmann was BOS and won his first CACIB in Jyväskylä INT Show!!! CONGRATULATIONS TO TEAM ROMEO!!! | |
06.11.2016 Tallivahdin Ideenreich became BOB in two days in 2 Russian INT Shows!!! CONGRATULATIONS GREAT STEIN & TEAM!!! | |
05.11.2016 Gauner made his first HK3 over 90% max points and Gewinnerin made HK1, Freibrufler finished his season with good FH2 result in district CH Games of S-W FInland!!! | |
16.10.2016 Freiberufler won bronze in tracking in forest, JK3, in District Championship Games of Southwest Finland!!! MY SUPER-REPE <3 | |
02.10.2016 Tallivahdin Forscherin was BOB in Tuulos among 18 hovis by judge Tapio Eerola! CONGRATULATIONS OFELIA & SAANA!! | |
26.09.2016 Tallivahdin Intensiv won his third CAC in Estonia and is now our first EST CH!!!! MANY CONGRATULATIONS TO TEAM RUUDI!!! | |
26.09.2016 Tallivahdin Irrlicht became BB2 in INT Show in Åland and won her first CAC and RESCACIB!! MANY CONGRATULATIONS!!! | |
27.08.2016 Tallivahdin Hasselhoff was BM2 in Helsinki and won his 2nd CAC! CONGRATULATIONS TEAM HASSE!! | |
21.08.2016 Freibrufler won bronze and Genie became the fourth in Finnish Hovawart FH Championship Games - MANY CONGRATS!!! | |
18.08.2016 Tallivahdin Favoritin "Fa" R.I.P 14.7.2010 – 18.8.2016, Fa died extremly suddenly in cancer :-( | |
03.08.2016 NO CH Tallivahdin Hasselhoff made BH test and is now ready to start also his working dog career - CONGRATULATIONS TEAM HASSE!! | |
02.08.2016 BH Tallivahdin Intensiv made a KK2 obedience test in Estonia and is ready for his last CAC and EST CH title - CONGRATULATIONS TEAM RUUDI!!! | |
30.07.2016 14 Tallivahdin hovis from our 8 litters took part in Finnish Hovawart Club show in Tervakoski and the average result was EXCellent! | |
28.07.2016 8 year old Emanze made her seventh FH2 result and the first result as a veteran - CONGRATULATIONS LAKU & SARRI!! | |
22.07.2016 26. Finnish Hovawart Club Show on the 30.7. will have 266 hovis and 15 of them is from Tallivahdin kennel! PLEASE KEEP YOUR THUMBS UP FOR US! :-) | |
20.07.2016 Freiberufler made his first FH2-test in this year with good result 84/100 FH2 and the winner of 4 dogs - WELL DONE MY GOLDEN BOY! | |
19.07.2016 Tallivahdin Irrlicht "Hertta" made BH test today! - WELL DONE TEAM BLONDIES HERTTA & OUTI AND GOOS SPIRIT & LUCK ALSO IN THE FUTURE! | |
14.07.2016 Tallivahdin F-litter is 6 year old today - HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY REPE, IRA, OFELIA, FA & FASU!!! | |
13.07.2016 Tallivahdin Freiberufler is our new NO CH & NORD CH - my lovely SUPER-REPE <3 | |
06.07.2016 Tallivahdin hovawart breeding & breeder Minna has got the famous Vuolasvirta breeder price of Finnish Kennel Club !!! NOW WE HAVE ONE REASON MORE TO CELEBRATE!!! | |
05.07.2016 10 Tallivahdin C-puppies are celebrating their 10 year Birthday today - HAPPY & JOYFUL B-DAY TO EVERYONE!!! | |
03.07.2016 Tallivahdin Hasselhoff became Norwegian Champion!!! CONGRATULATIONS TO TEAM HASSE!!! | |
30.06.2016 Tallivahdin Intensiv made BH test succesfully!!! CONGRATULATIONS TO TEAM RUUDI!!!! | |
27.06.2016 Tallivahdin had a succesfull show weekend: Ideenreich become Vice World Winner in Russian and Freiberufler BOS and BOB in Norway! | |
27.06.2016 Tallivahdin K-litter is 1 year old today - HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO EVERYONE!!! | |
20.06.2016 Tallivahdin Intensiv won his 2nd CAC in Estonia! CONGRATULATIONS TEAM RUUDI!!! | |
17.06.2016 Tallivahdin Idealfall "Wilma" made the Canine Good Citizen test - CONGRATULATIONS WILMA & VIRVE & PAVEL! | |
11.06.2016 Tallivahdin Ideenreich is now Russian Champion - MANY CONGRATULATIONS STEIN & ANTON & LUDMILA <3 | |
14.05.2016 Tallivahdin Genie is the newest FH2 hovawart with nice 90/100 points! CONGRATULATIONS TO RITU & SATU! | |
30.04.2016 10 months old Kaiser was BM2 and won CAC in Tampere INT show and Hauptman became the fifth Best of 12 males! CONGRATULATIONS! | |
16.04.2016 Forscherin made VIRTA-test succesfully and is now official rescue dog and can help police etc in rescue operations - CONGRATULATIONS OFELIA AND SAANA! | |
10.04.2016 G-LITTER is 5 years today - HAPPY BIRTHDAY ALL 9 LOVELY DOGS! | |
09.04.2016 Finnish Hovawart Club year 2015 TOP 10 Working Hovawart List had 3 Tallivahdin Hovis! CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL! | |
14.02.2016 Tallivahdin Intensiv started his test career with good result 83/100 p in obedience test in Estonia - MANY CONGRATULATIONS TO RUUDI & ANDRES!! | |
17.01.2016 7 Tallivahdin hovis out of 6 combination started their competition year EXCellently in TURKU INT Show :-) Our golden breeder group became BOB Breeder :-) | |
31.12.2015 Tallivahdin Joker 6 months old died in a cottage fire in Lapland | |
29.12.2015 Hasselhoff won his third CAC and became BOS in Norway - CONGRATULATIONS Hasse&Kent&Janette! | |
06.12.2015 Tallivahdin future mother dog Hoffen-Haus Penrosa won Helsinki Junior Winner JV-15 title and CAC by becoming BB4 - CONGRATULATIONS RAKSU&SANNA! | |
26.11.2015 Tallivahdin B-litter 12 year old today: CONGRATULATIONS Baden-Badener, Bewunderin and Brillanten | |
16.11.2015 Tallivahdin calender 2016 beautiful photos are now chosen and you can see them here :-) | |
15.11.2015 Tallivahdin Ideenreich made history of Tallivahdin in Russian by getting our first JUNIOR CHAMPION title! MANY CONGRATULATIONS TO STEIN, LUDMILA & ANTON! :-) | |
30.10.2015 In Finnish Hovawart FH Championship Games Forscherin and Freiberufler shared silver medals and EManze became the fourth - CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL! | |
17.10.2015 Repe is the first Finnish Working Champion of our kennel :-) | |
19.09.2015 Tallivahdin Forscherin made FH2 with 90 points - GREAT WORK OFELIA AND SAANA! | |
14.09.2015 NEW IN BLOG: How to breed working dogs? | |
12.09.2015 Tallivahdin Forscherin made PEHA-B and is ready to take official VIRTA-test in rescue! CONGRATULATIONS TO OFELIA &SAANA! | |
15.08.2015 Tallivahdin Freiberufler made his other result over 90 points 93/100 in FH2 - GREAT WORK SUPER-REPE! | |
12.08.2015 Tallivahdin Emanze "Laku" made her first FH2 result in Masku - CONGRATULATIONS LAKU AND SARRI! | |
09.08.2015 Tallivahdin future mother dog Hoffen-Haus Penrosa was BOB in Turku at the age of 13 months! CONGRATULATIONS RAKSU&SANNA! | |
29.07.2015 Very lovely bitch and the mother of our E-litter Tallivahdin Bildschön has passed away athte age of 11 years 8 months | |
26.07.2015 Tervakoski hovawart weekend went very well and the best Tallivahdin hovawart was FH2 TK1 BH Tallivahdin Englein - CONGRATULATIONS MANGO&MILI! | |
18.07.2015 Tallivahdin Hasselhoff made our kennel history by winning 2 CAC in same weekend in Norway - CONGRATULATIONS TEAM HASSE | |
14.07.2015 Tallivahdin Anbeter has passed away at the high age of 13 years 8,5 months - FAR WELL DEAR JASU <3 | |
27.06.2015 SIX K-puppies were born on the 27.6. and they are big & strong! | |
17.06.2015 Tallivahdin J-litter with 11 puppies is born and everyone is feeling FINE! | |
16.05.2015 Tallivahdin Cremefarben made the first working dog test result in this season: FH2 with 86/100 points! GREAT DONE SISSI!!! | |
16.05.2015 Junior male Tallivahdin Hindernisläufer became BOS and won his first CAC in Rauma Show - GREAT DONE HEMMO & LEENA! | |
18.04.2015 J-litter is on their way.... Ira and Kaapo fell in love immediately when they saw each other today <3 <3 <3 | |
14.04.2015 J and K puppies count down has started: Fährtenhündin started her heat 7.4. and Genie 14.4. WHAT A WONDERFUL PUPPY SUMMER WE ARE GOING TO HAVE! | |
11.04.2015 Show spring continued EXCellently: Repe BOS, his daughter Raksu 9 months BB3 RES CAC and Sissi BB4 :-) | |
10.04.2015 G-litter 4 years old today! HAPPY BIRTHDAY! | |
29.03.2015 Tallivahdin Hasselhoff 13 months old started his show career with BOS & CAC in Turku INT Show and all 7 Tallivahdin hovis got EXCellent judgements from German Steffen Schock :-) | |
21.03.2015 Tallivahdin Ideenreich "Stein" 9 months started his show career as the BOB JUNIOR & JCAC in Russian Eurasia 15 Show - EXCELLENT WORK STEIN&ANTON AND LUDMILA! THANK YOU! | |
23.02.2015 E-puppies 7 years today - MANY CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL OF YOU! | |
20.02.2015 Third Tallivahdin hovi has been seen in TV: this time it is Ideenreich 8 months old in hovawart breed presentation in Russian television Vetta. | |
10.02.2015 Happy 1 year birthday to 11 H-puppies! | |
22.01.2015 NEW IN BLOG: Koiran arvo = The value of a dog | |
02.01.2015 NEW IN BLOG: The result review of Tallivahdin kennel in year 2014 | |
25.12.2014 Merry Christmas and a Happy and Succesful New Year 2015 to all hovi lovers with some photos of our Xmas holiday in Hanko! | |
26.11.2014 B-puppies are 11 years today - HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO Kylli, Molly, Peppi and Topi! | |
26.10.2014 Hindernisläufer "Hemmo" was BOB puppy and got HP in Seinäjoki INT show | |
25.10.2014 A SUPER DAY! 5 WORKING DOG TEST RESULTS ON THE SAME DAY: 3 good FH2 results, 1 very nice FH1 debute and a new rescue dog test result PEHA A! CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL! | |
05.10.2014 Nose ticks ruined our Finnish IPO-FH Champion Games and all that was left was the joy of participation | |
28.09.2014 Genie made FH1 with nice points 87 and is now the seventh FH hovi of Tallivahdin - GREAT WORK RITU & SATU | |
27.09.2014 Cremefarben won bronze in Finnish Hovawart Club FH Championship games with nice 88 points and Emanze became the fourth with 79 points - WELL DONE BLONDIES! | |
21.09.2014 Englein won bronze in S-W Finland district championship games in obedience in beginner class with 1 class result! CONGRATULATIONS TO MILI & MANGO! | |
14.09.2014 Tallivahdin Hasselhoff 7 months old was BOB-puppy in Porvoo :-) CONGRATULATIONS TO HASSE AND HIS TEAM! | |
06.09.2014 Freiberufler started the autumn working dog test season with FH2 result -WELL DONE REPE! | |
14.07.2014 F-litter 4 years old today - HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO Fa, Fasu, Fero, Ira, Ofelia and Repe! | |
07.07.2014 NEW IN BLOG: Tallivahdin fourth generation, a stallion foal and some observations of the estimated age of death and the amount of DM in Hovawarts in Finland | |
06.07.2014 C.I.B FI&SE CH HeJW-11 FH2 JK1 BH Tallivahdin Freiberufler become the father of 4 Hoffen-Haus P-puppies | |
03.07.2014 Our FWB mare Betti got a beautiful stallion foal on the pasture! FANTASTIC BABY BOOM CONTINUES! | |
10.06.2014 10 Tallivahdin I-puppies were born today: we got very equally 4 sm and 1 blond bitches and 4 sm and 1 blond males! | |
25.05.2014 Tallivahdin Gauner "Onni" started his searching career with a nice result with scholarship HK1 - CONGRATULATIONS ONNI & MAARIT! | |
24.05.2014 Repe made Finnish mental test ;-) | |
16.05.2014 5 Tallivahdin hovawarts were listed in FH2 activity ranking list of Finnish Working Dog Club. WE MADE HISTORY AGAIN! THANK YOU ALL!! | |
13.05.2014 Tallivahdin Gewinnerin made BH and began our test season! Congratulations Mili&Melba! :-D Now you are ready for the real thing... FH! | |
08.05.2014 5 puppies of our I-litter has been seen in ultra sound today: GREAT WORK ROY & OFELIA :-) | |
07.05.2014 C.I.B FI&SE CH HeJW-11 FH2 JK1 BH Tallivahdin Freiberufler mated today with Hoffen-Haus Odessa :-) Litter shall be Hoffen-Haus P-litter | |
10.04.2014 Ofelia and Roy mated succesfully and now we can wait for I puppies :-D | |
10.04.2014 G-litter is 3 year old today - HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO EVERY 10 PUPPIES! | |
29.03.2014 Ofelia started her heat and the history of Tallivahdin I-litter can begin! :-) | |
27.03.2014 Tallivahdin Forscherin is now officially International Champion C.I.B!!!! JUST MARVELLOUS WORK SAANA AND OFELIA!!! | |
20.03.2014 3 Tallivahdin hovis were listed in 10 TOP working-dog hovis in year 2013! | |
23.02.2014 E-litter is 6 year old today! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ALL OF YOU! | |
11.02.2014 H-litter has born and there is 11 lively puppies: 2 blond bitches, 6 blond males and 3 sm males. JUST FANTASTIC! | |
19.01.2014 Tallivahdin great success continued in Turku INT show: Repe was BOB and his mother Sissi BOS - MY LOVELY GOLDEN HOVIS! :-) | |
11.01.2014 Ofelia won her last CAC and can soon be called C.I.B FI&SE CH HeJW-11 FH1 BH Tallivahdin Forscherin! WHAT A BEAUTY!!! | |
09.01.2014 H-puppies are seen in ultra! JUST FANTASTIC NEWS AFTER TWO YEARS OF WAITING!!! | |
09.01.2014 Soon it will be in book shops:The great guide book to dog sports, in which I was asked to write an introduction of Hovawart! | |
05.01.2014 Our mare Arietta "Netta" moved today to the evergreen pastures at the age of 24,5 year old - we loved you Netta very much! | |
04.01.2014 MyDog INT show 2nd day in Gothenburg Freiberufler became BOB and Forscherin BOS. OUR GOLDEN HOVIS GOT THE JACKPOT IN SWEDEN! | |
03.01.2014 MyDog INT show in Gothenburg: Forscherin became BOB and is now yet unofficially C.I.B. and Freiberufler became BOS. FANTASTIC GOLDEN HOVIS! | |
22.12.2013 Little statistics to Tallivahdin results in year 2013 and MANY THANKS TO EVERYONE WHO MADE OUR YEAR SO SUCCESFUL! Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2014! | |
15.12.2013 The star of this year Winner shows was Freiberufler that bacame second best male in Nordic Winner 2013 show. | |
11.12.2013 Three Tallivahdin hovis are taking part in Helsinki Winner Shows next weekend: good luck Freiberufler, Forscherin and Genie! | |
09.12.2013 H-litter is hopefully in the beginning of their history - NICE DONE LAKU & ARTTU! | |
26.11.2013 B-litter is 10 years today! CONGRATULATIONS BESSI, KYLLI, MOLLY, PEPPI AND TOPI! | |
24.11.2013 Freiberufler "Repe" 3 years 4 months made FH2 with 90 points and his mother Cremefarben "Sissi" got also fine 88 points and her third FH2 result in this year! | |
27.10.2013 Forscherin made FH1 with nice 88 points and is now the sixth FH-hovawart of Tallivahdin! CONGRATULATIONS OFELIA AND SAANA OF YOUR GREAT WORK! | |
26.10.2013 Tallivahdin 6 hoviveterans from A-litter are 12 years old today! CONGRATULATIONS JASU, OBELIX, RONJA, SAGA,SARA and VENLA! | |
20.10.2013 Tallivahdin Eminent got HK2 (person surching) result with 243/300 points! CONGRATULATIONS HULDA & MAARIT! | |
06.10.2013 Tallivahdin hovis got 3 good FH2 result: Repe 85, Sissi 83 and Mango 80! JUST MARVELLOUS GOLDEN TEAM! | |
05.10.2013 Tallivahdin Emanze made FH2 result in very hard wind and Gauner made excellently BH test! | |
29.09.2013 Freiberufler got JK1 with nice points 274/300 - MY LOVELY SUPER-REPE! | |
21.09.2013 Englein won bronze in Finnish Hovawart Club FH-Championship games! JUST MARVELLOUS MANGO & MILI! | |
11.09.2013 2 Tallivahdin hovis has been accepted to Finnish Hovawart FH Championship games on the 21.9. in Masku: Good luck Mango&Mili and Sissi&Minna | |
08.09.2013 Repe mated with Nessa successfully and happy waiting has started! | |
29.08.2013 Our FWB mare Bellezza TR "Betti" is pregnant and next summer will be after a very long time again a FOAL SUMMER! | |
29.08.2013 Courbette made succesfully an ability test in water rescuing and with that she made the history of Tallivahdin! VERY WELL DONE CILLA AND MARJA! | |
04.08.2013 Elonäyttely in Turku: Repe BOB, Sissi 2nd best bitch and Mango working class EXC1 CQ! Very nice presentation of our lovely golden hovis! | |
22.07.2013 In Finnish Hovawart Club Show and Obedience Championship there will be 7 Tallivahdin hovis! | |
14.07.2013 F-litter is 3 years today -very happy birthday and life as adults! | |
05.07.2013 11 lovely puppies of our C-litter became 7 years today! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ALL OF YOU ALL AROUND FINLAND! | |
04.07.2013 5 Tallivahdin hovis are on a training camp of Finnish Hovawart Club | |
19.05.2013 Cremefarben started Tallivahdin working dog season with a good FH2 result 84 points - SUPER SISSI! | |
09.05.2013 Tallivahdin Gewinnerin was the best bitch and won her first CAC! MANY CONGRATULATIONS MELBA&MILI! | |
06.05.2013 Tallivahdin Genie made BH test and is now ready for the real thing - FH1 ;-) Many congratulations Ritu and Satu! | |
03.05.2013 We found a great stallion to our FWB mare Bellezza TR! He is the Stallion of the year 2013 in Denmark : Heartbeat! | |
29.04.2013 Tallivahdin Emanze started her heat today and we have high hopes for our H-litter! | |
13.04.2013 Forscherin started Tallivahdin competition season with an obedience beginner test result | |
12.04.2013 NEW IN BLOG: My monology of cynology | |
10.04.2013 G-ppuppies are 2 years today! VERY MANY CONGRATULATIONS! | |
04.04.2013 Repe is now officially C.I.B. = International Beauty Champion | |
05.01.2013 Repe was BOB in MyDog Show in Göteborg Sweden and won the title of Swedish Champion and is now waiting for his C.I.B title to be official!!! SUUPEEER REPE! | |
31.12.2012 Our golden male Repe got today officially the title of Finnish Champion!! | |
27.11.2012 This is a VERY sad day - Emanze was in ultra and there were no H-puppies :-( | |
26.11.2012 B-puppies are 9 years today - VERY MANY CONGRATULATIONS TO YOU ALL! | |
25.11.2012 Super-Sissi ended her working-dog test season with FH2 result and 87 points | |
03.11.2012 H-puppies history began today on Halloween in Germany ;-D | |
29.10.2012 Tallivahdin Chorleiter "Rokka" was the biggest star on AVA TV in a serie of "Dog´s life" that is representating rescue as a dog-sport on 29.10. at 19.30 o´clock | |
26.10.2012 Seven Tallivahdin hovis from A-litter are today 11 years old - VERY MANY KISSES AND CONGRATULATIONS! | |
20.10.2012 C.I.B FI & SE CH JK3 FH2 Tallivahdin Cremefarben was BOB in Turku INT DOG SHOW !! Just wonderful SUPER-SISSI! | |
22.09.2012 Eminent started her working-dog career with a nice result HK1 in human searching in Finnish Hovawart Club Championship games in Merikarvia! CONGRATULATIONS HULDA AND MAARIT! | |
18.09.2012 Our FWB mare Bellezza TR was in a horse show for breeding registration and got very nice points 39! | |
02.09.2012 JK1 BH Tallivahdin Augenweide was BIS3 VET in Liminka Dog Show | |
26.08.2012 Genie became today EXC1 CQ in intermediate class and was the fifth of all bitches in Tervakoski INT Show | |
04.08.2012 Tallivahdin Cremefarben got JK3 in tracking and became the 4th in the working-dog championship games of Southwest Finland | |
03.08.2012 7 Tallivahdin hovis took part in FH coaching of Outi Hermiö | |
02.08.2012 Cremefarben was qualified to the first FH Championship games ever of Finnish Hovawart Club | |
22.07.2012 HeJW-11 BH Tallivahdin Forscherin was BOB today in Paltamo, MANY CONGRATULATIONS :-D | |
21.07.2012 Fantastic Augenweide 10,7 year old became BOB VET And 2nd best bitch in INT SHOW Kemi! | |
15.07.2012 Show summer got another excellent weekend: Augenweiden was BOB VET and 3rd best bitch in Oulu and Freiberufler 2nd best male and RES CAC in Lammi | |
14.07.2012 F-puppies are 2 years old today! Happy birthday and lot of kisses to you all! | |
08.07.2012 Tallivahdin Englein got FH2 and won the whole game in a summer heat FH-competition in Jämsä | |
07.07.2012 There will be 12 Tallivahdin hovis in the world´s biggest hovawart weekend in Tervakoski! | |
05.07.2012 C-litter became 6 years today - HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ALL YOU 11!!! | |
06.06.2012 Ofelia made BH succesfully and can now be called HeJW-11 BH Tallivahdin Forscherin | |
03.06.2012 FH1 BH Tallivahdin Englein became EXC1 CQ in working class and 4th best bitch in Lohja | |
30.05.2012 There were no H-puppies seen in ultra - Emanze was empty :-( | |
26.05.2012 JK1 BH Tallivahdin Augenweide was 2nd best bitch and BOB VET in Oulainen | |
20.05.2012 PetTV shows now FH-test on the 15.5.2012 that our little working-dog club Varsinaiset Hoffit organized! | |
20.05.2012 Tallivahdin summer show season started excellently: Augenweide was BOB VET and Forscherin 4th best bitch with RES CAC | |
12.05.2012 Sissi started Tallivahdin working-dog test season with a good FH2 result in very hard wind! | |
12.05.2012 Ofelia ran fast like a wind and became 2nd in sight hound unofficial cross country competition | |
30.04.2012 Emanze and Gomez fell in love and the history of H-puppies has hopefully began :-) | |
25.04.2012 Freiberufler made BH-test! | |
18.04.2012 Emanze started her heat today and the history of H-puppies can begin! | |
10.04.2012 Tallivahdin G-puppies are 1 year old today! MANY CONGRATULATIONS! | |
23.02.2012 Tallivahdin E-puppies are 4 years today :-) HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! | |
17.01.2012 New in blog IN ENGLISH: Supply and demand in kennel world | |
14.01.2012 Forscherin had a great start for new year: she won CACIB & RES CAC! | |
26.12.2011 The last news of 2011 is extremely sad: Günstling died when she was hit by a car | |
14.12.2011 Highlights of Tallivahdin very succesfull year 2011 & MERRY XMAS & HAPPY NEW YEAR 2012! | |
04.12.2011 The extremerly succesfull year 2011 got happy ending: Tallivahdin kennel won it´s first Winner-show titles with juniors Forscherin and Freiberufler | |
26.11.2011 B-puppies filled 8 years today - HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO VETERANS! | |
24.11.2011 7 Tallivahdin breeding dogs have beeing DNA-tested for Degenerative Myelopathie | |
21.11.2011 Busenfreundin became a hovi angel today | |
20.11.2011 Great success in INT Show for Freiberufler and Forscherin: Repe won BOB CAC CACIB and Ofelia was both days Intermediate class EXC2 and won RES CAC!!! | |
13.11.2011 Tallivahdin Emanze made FH1 today!!! JUST FANTASTIC LAKU & SARRI!!!! | |
26.10.2011 Seven A-puppies filled 10 years today!!!! MANY CONGRATULATIONS!!! :-D | |
09.10.2011 SUUUUUPER-SIssi continues to win: she became the fifth and the youngest FH2-hovawart in Finland in history! | |
17.09.2011 FI & SE CH (becoming C.I.B.) JK3 FH1 BH Cremefarben won the tracking championship of Finnish Hovawart Club!!!! SUPER-SISSI!!! | |
11.09.2011 Freiberufler was VERY successful in local dog show JUN EXC1 CAC BOS! | |
10.09.2011 Forscherin is the first hunting Tallivahdin hovawart :-) | |
08.09.2011 H-litter plans are getting more real :-) | |
30.08.2011 Emanze made BH-test succesfully and is now ready for working-dog tests, CONGRATULATIONS! | |
01.08.2011 The great hovawart weekend in Tervakoski went VERY successfully: Tallivahdin became BIS1 breeder! :-) | |
27.07.2011 Our very beloved bitch Abba has died suddenly | |
24.07.2011 Augenweide was the 3rd best bitch and BOB VET in Tornio INT DS, gratulations! | |
19.07.2011 In the world´s biggest hovawart happening in Tervakoski you can see 8 Tallivahdin hovis :-) | |
17.07.2011 JK1 BH Tallivahdin Augenweide, Saga, was the 3rd best bitch in Oulu INT DS and BOB VET both days! | |
15.07.2011 Sissi became BOS in INT show i Tvååkern and she got fine titles of CIB and S CH! | |
14.07.2011 F-puppies are today 1 year old - many congratulations !!! | |
10.07.2011 Abba was BOB in Alfta Sweden and became also Swedish Champion | |
05.07.2011 C-puppies are now 5 years old! Many congratulations! | |
17.06.2011 G-puppies found easily good hovihomes and are now officially represented on their own site | |
02.05.2011 G-puppies names have been sent to registration... | |
02.05.2011 Fährtenhündin was in schutzdienst for the first time, look her own site to see nice photos! | |
10.04.2011 10 G-puppies were born today :-D | |
01.04.2011 Mango moved to us and she is very BIG! :-D | |
09.03.2011 G-puppies were seen in ultra schau :-D | |
23.02.2011 E-puppies 3 years old - VERY MANY CONGRATULATIONS! | |
12.02.2011 Mango and James mated succesfully and our G-puppies are on their way :-D | |
27.01.2011 Englein started her heat and the future of G-puppies have begun :-D | |
23.01.2011 Tallivahdin kennel became 10 years old! | |
14.12.2010 G-litter plans are getting more real: father shall be black IPO3 VPG3 BH Delano von Andwari | |
12.12.2010 Cremefarben and Emanze represented Tallivahdin dogs in Helsinki Winner shows | |
30.11.2010 Now you can find representations of all Tallivahdin dogs also on www.working-dog.eu | |
26.11.2010 Congratulations to 7 years old B-puppies! | |
26.10.2010 Congratulations to 9 year old A-puppies! | |
24.10.2010 FH1 BH Tallivahdin Englein became the 3rd best of all bitches in international dog show | |
17.10.2010 Emanze and Englein have done the Finnish mental test needed for breeding abroad | |
03.10.2010 Tallivahdin hot weekend camp was the highlight of the year! | |
16.09.2010 R.I.P. Tallivahdin Abenteuer | |
12.09.2010 F-puppies have moved to their new homes and we all wait for HOT Tallivahdin weekend camp... | |
27.08.2010 F-puppies got micro chips and a veterinarian surchery | |
22.08.2010 F-puppies had visitors from Germany :-D | |
08.08.2010 We succeeded very well in organizing IPO tracks in Finnish working dog championship tests | |
25.07.2010 Anemone was EXC VET3 and the star of Tallivahdin dogs in Tervakoski Club Show | |
24.07.2010 Tallivahdin Englein 2 years and 5 months old got FH1 scholarship! FANTASTIC! | |
23.07.2010 F-puppies got their own SITE with many photos and NAMES :-) | |
18.07.2010 Augenweide won BOS & BOB VET in Ylivieska INT dog show, FANTASTIC SAGA! | |
14.07.2010 7 lovely F-puppies were born today and WE ARE SOOOO HAPPY :-D | |
12.07.2010 There shall be 6 Tallivahdin dogs in Tervakoski the world biggest hovawart show | |
05.07.2010 C-puppies 4 years old! MANY CONGRATULATIONS! | |
03.07.2010 Tallivahdin got fine results in Finnish hovawart working dog and breeder show ranking lists 2009 | |
13.06.2010 Augenweide was BOB and her daughter won CAC, VERY MANY CONGRATULATIONS TO OULU! | |
10.06.2010 F-puppies were seen in ultra :-D | |
06.06.2010 Eminent made BH-test, congratulations!!! | |
22.05.2010 Sissi took part in FH2-test and the pregnancy was noticed for sure... | |
13.05.2010 Sissi and Cid vom Alten Schulweg mated succesfully in Germany | |
24.04.2010 Sissi was in mental test and is now ready to travel to Germany and meet Cid | |
24.04.2010 Tallivahdin Bewunderin is in TV4 in a program called Huvila&Huussi | |
04.04.2010 Tallivahdin was presented in Hovawartti-magazine 1/2010 | |
28.03.2010 First Tallivahdin dog in MH-test, VERY GOOD Eminent ! | |
23.02.2010 E-puppies 2 years old! MANY CONGRATULATIONS! | |
23.01.2010 Anemone the first Tallivahdin dog in veteran class got EXC and her daughter won CACIB and CAC! | |
14.12.2009 Tallivahdin 2 bitches in Helsinki Winner Shows | |
28.11.2009 Sissi was shining in Turku: she became BOS and got CACIB | |
26.11.2009 B-puppies 6 years, MANY CONGRATULATIONS! | |
11.11.2009 Tallivahdin Aristokrat has died, we miss you Retu! | |
01.11.2009 Sissi 3 years and 4 months got FH1 with 80 points! | |
26.10.2009 A-puppies are now 8 year old veterans, MANY CONGRATULATIONS! | |
11.10.2009 Tallivahdin Abendrot made my dream come true and got FH1 with 73 points | |
10.10.2009 Englein made BH-test, GRATTIS! | |
05.10.2009 Our dearest Nella 12,5 years old died today | |
16.09.2009 Grandmother Nella 12,5 years today, CONGRATULATIONS! | |
30.08.2009 Cremefarben won her first RES CACIB | |
27.08.2009 Capriole and Cid mated succesfully... hopefully we get F-puppies after two months | |
26.07.2009 Great Tallivahdin success in Finnish Hovawart Club Show Tervakoski: 4 placements and BIS2 | |
05.07.2009 C-puppies 3 years old, CONGRATULATIONS! | |
03.07.2009 6 Tallivahdin hovawarts took part in Finnish Hovawart working dog camp | |
10.05.2009 Capriole won her first CAC, CONGRATULATIONS! | |
10.05.2009 Cremefarben got JK2 in tracking and became at the same time FINNISH SHOW CHAMPION! :-D | |
28.04.2009 Capriole made mental test and now her sextrip to Germany can be true! | |
19.04.2009 We trained for working dog tests in Tallivahdin weekend camp | |
21.03.2009 The father of E-puppies Hayaklause Fidato became INT CH! | |
16.03.2009 Sateenkaaren Thunderbird, our grandmother Nella, is 12 years old today! MANY CONGRATULATIONS! | |
01.03.2009 5 Tallivahdin dogs+owners had FUN in Finnish Hovawart Club winter camp | |
23.02.2009 E-puppies 1 year old today! CONGRATULATIONS! | |
15.02.2009 JK1 BH Tallivahdin Cremefarben was BOB and got her last CAC in Tampere | |
16.01.2009 Rescue dog JK1 PAHA PAJÄ Tallivahdin Abgott has died | |
14.12.2008 Tallivahdin 4 bitches got all VG in winner 08 show in Helsinki | |
06.12.2008 The father of E-puppies Hayaklause Fidato got VK2 and also title of FI CH! | |
26.11.2008 B-puppies 5 years today! VERY MANY CONGRATULATIONS! | |
26.10.2008 A-puppies 7 years today, VERY MANY CONGRATULATIONS! | |
23.09.2008 We are going to make a new participant record in Tallivahdin weekend camp | |
13.09.2008 Sissi was BOS and won her 2nd CAC in Helsinki | |
08.09.2008 Cremefarben strated her tracking career fine with scholarship JK1 with 266/300 points | |
30.08.2008 Cowboy was EXC and the 3rd best male and Cremefarben also EXC and 3rd best bitch and RES CAC | |
18.08.2008 Our FWB-mare Bellezza TR jumped the 2nd time 0 faults in 110 cm! | |
09.08.2008 Tallivahdin Cowboy made BH-test today, CONGRATULATIONS! | |
28.07.2008 Little E-puppies were the stars of Tallivahdin in Tervakoski | |
21.07.2008 There is going to be 6+2 Tallivahdin dogs in Finnish Hovawart Club Show Tervakoski | |
18.07.2008 Our FWB-horse Bellezza TR made 0 in show jumping 110 cm and was placed in 4th | |
16.07.2008 Sissi made BH test succesfully | |
10.07.2008 We came home from a dog show turnee Sweden - Germany | |
05.07.2008 C-puppies became 2 years today, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! | |
07.06.2008 Cremefarben won her first CAC in the Million Dog -Show in Tuuri | |