26.08.2018 Tallivahdin Mirakelmann "Miro" 15 months old made his first working test result in tracking JK1 - MY TEENAGE MIRO IS A REAL MIRACLE!!! :-)

15.04.2018 NO CH BH Tallivahdin Hasselhoff became BOB in Seinäjoki INT Show

10.04.2018 NEW IN BLOG: Our breed´s new breeding target program for years 2019-2023, JTO, is ready to be strengthened - this former JTO has made working-dog test results to collaps by half and is it now the next goal to collapse our breed´s health?

14.02.2018 6 Tallivahdin hovawarts were listed in FInnish Working Dog Clubś activity list of year 2017!!! CONGRATULATIONS & GOOD TRAINING SPIRIT ALSO TO YEAR 2018!

27.01.2018 Tallivahdin fifth generation of hovawarts are hopefully on their way when IP3 FH2 BH Enzo vom Bergischen Löwen and FH2 BH Tallivahdin Irrlicht mated successfully 27.-28.1.18 n Buchen

21.01.2018 Tallivahdin show year 2018 started EXCellently in Turku INT Show: Hauptmann BOS & CACIB, Löwin just 9 months old BF4 CAC and Tallivahdin BOB Breeder with HP!!! THANK YOU & CONGRATULATIONS

05.01.2018 NEW IN BLOG: Tallivahdin year 2017 had again some historical highlights

27.12.2017 NO CH BH Tallivahdin Hasselhoff was BOB in Norway Letohallen - MANY CONGRATULATIONS TEAM HASSE!!!

10.12.2017 Meehrschaum and Meisterwächter won Finnish Puppy Winner titles, Tallivahdin Puppy breeder group was BOB HP, Hauptmann EXC1 and Hoffen-Haus Penrosa won RECACIB!

09.12.2017 In Winner Shows: Tallivahdin Mirakelmann is Helsinki Puppy Winner and Hauptmann EXC2 & Kaiser EXC3 in open class!!! CONGRATULATIONS

26.11.2017 Tallivahdin Jauchzer BM3 RECAC RECACIB in Tampere INT Show and Tallivahdin BOB breeder with HP - THANK YOU & CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL!!!

17.11.2017 Tallivahdin Kaiser made BH - CONGRATULATIONS KAPU & SATU!!!

15.11.2017 Tallivahdin CALENDER 2018 is ready

04.11.2017 GREAT FH2 RESULTS: almost 10 years old sisters Englein 94/100 points & Emanze 81/100 points and just 3 years old Irrlicht 87/100 points - MANY CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL!!!

09.10.2017 ANOTHER HAPPY PUPPY NEWS: Tallivahdin Irrlicht is goint to meet great RZV working male IP3 FH2 BH Enzo vom Bergischen Löwen in January 2018

04.10.2017 OUR 2018 puppy plans are getting more exact: JV-15 Hoffen-Haus Penrosa is going to meet great working male GER VDH & RZV CH IP3 FH2 Fpr3 BH Caro von Xamilou in spring

17.09.2017 Tallivahdin autumn training camp lasted 3 days and had 23 hovawarts with their owners!!! IPO was the main program in every day!!!

10.09.2017 Tallivahdin Jungfrau was BB2 RECAC in Muurame - CONGRATULATIONS TO DEBI & TARJA!!!

02.09.2017 Tallivahdin Kaiser was BM2 RES CAC in Helsinki Let´s Go Show!!! CONGRATULTIONS TO KAPU & SATU!!

13.08.2017 Tallivahdin Jauchzer made our HISTORY by becoming FCI2 group 3rd, Irrlicht was BOS and Tallivahdin was BOB breeder HP in Turku Elonäyttely! CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL!!!

14.07.2017 HAPPY 7 YEAR BIRTHDAY TO F-LITTER Ira, Fasu, Ofelia and Repe!!!

05.07.2017 7 C-puppies have their 11 year BIRTHDAY today: CONGRATULATIONS Capri, Cilla, Jesse, Kamu, Lola, Roope & Sissi

02.07.2017 5 Tallivahdin hovis trained in Finnish Hovawart Club working dog camp

20.05.2017 Our future breeding bitch JV-15 Hoffen-Haus Penrosa, "Raksu" the daughter of our Repe, made Finnish Mental test with nice points 189/300! SUPER-RAKSU!!!


18.05.2017 Tallivahdin Freiberufler made his second good FH2 result in this season, 84 points! SUPER-REPE <3

14.05.2017 Tallivahdin Hauptmann was BOB in Salo and won his 3rd and last Finnish CAC!!! CONGRATULATIONS!

07.05.2017 20 hovawarts and their owners were in Tallivahdin training camp 6.-7.5.

07.05.2017 HK3 FH1 BH Tallvahdin Gauner started his working test season with result HK3 and good points 261/300.

07.05.2017 Tallivahdin Gebleter died very suddenly in his own garden :-(

03.05.2017 Freiberufler started his working test season with a nice F2 result 88 points!

24.04.2017 Tallivahdin Irrlicht made Finnish Mental test with nice points 174 and is now ready for international hovawart breeding!

20.04.2017 HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Löwin and Liebling <3 <3

01.04.2017 There were 7 Tallivahdin hovis in 3 sports in Finnish Working Dog activity lists for the working dogs that have results in highest class! GREAT WORK EVERYONE!!!

23.03.2017 In SHW TOP 10 working hovi list there were 4 Tallivahdin hovis :-) and we were listed as 6./10 in Breeder´s show ranking :-)

21.01.2017 Turku INT Show started our year EXCellently and we had BOB Breeder group with HP - THANK YOU ALL <3

20.01.2017 NEW IN BLOG: Tallivahdin year 2016 was great – we made many new working & show records and had a lot of fun in RZV breeding tests!

11.12.2016 HAPPY WINNER SHOW NEWS: The best Tallivahdin hovi was Forscherin with results Working EXC2 CQ BB4 and Hoffen-Haus Penrosa won her last CAC! CONGRATS BOTH!!

10.12.2016 GREAT DAY IN HELSINKI WINNER SHOW: Tallivahdin Journalistin <3 won title of Helsinki Junior Winner 2016, HeJW-16 and Repe and I got the Vuolasvirta breeder price of Finnish Kennel Club

19.11.2016 Tallivahdin Gewinnerin made AMAZING FH2 result 98/100 p in our last test in this year!!! Altogether 4 Tallivahdin hovis made FH results and 2 of them are new FH hovis!!! CONGRATULATIONS TO SUPER MELBA & MILI AND OTHER GREAT TEAMS OF TALLIVAHDIN!!!

12.11.2016 Tallivahdin Hauptmann was BOS and won his first CACIB in Jyväskylä INT Show!!! CONGRATULATIONS TO TEAM ROMEO!!!

06.11.2016 Tallivahdin Ideenreich became BOB in two days in 2 Russian INT Shows!!! CONGRATULATIONS GREAT STEIN & TEAM!!!

05.11.2016 Gauner made his first HK3 over 90% max points and Gewinnerin made HK1, Freibrufler finished his season with good FH2 result in district CH Games of S-W FInland!!!

16.10.2016 Freiberufler won bronze in tracking in forest, JK3, in District Championship Games of Southwest Finland!!! MY SUPER-REPE <3

02.10.2016 Tallivahdin Forscherin was BOB in Tuulos among 18 hovis by judge Tapio Eerola! CONGRATULATIONS OFELIA & SAANA!!

26.09.2016 Tallivahdin Intensiv won his third CAC in Estonia and is now our first EST CH!!!! MANY CONGRATULATIONS TO TEAM RUUDI!!!

26.09.2016 Tallivahdin Irrlicht became BB2 in INT Show in Åland and won her first CAC and RESCACIB!! MANY CONGRATULATIONS!!!

21.09.2016 Tallivahdin Gewinnerin and her mother Englein made FH2 results in the same test with their owner Mili and FH2 result was the first one for Gewinnerin! MANY CONGRATULATIONS MELBA,MANGO & MILI!!!

27.08.2016 Tallivahdin Hasselhoff was BM2 in Helsinki and won his 2nd CAC! CONGRATULATIONS TEAM HASSE!!

27.08.2016 Tallivahdin Gauner made the history of Tallivahdin Kennel by winning the Finnish Hovawart Club Championship gold medals both in people searching and in total! MANY CONGRATULATIONS ONNI & MAARIT!!!

21.08.2016 Freibrufler won bronze and Genie became the fourth in Finnish Hovawart FH Championship Games - MANY CONGRATS!!!

18.08.2016 Tallivahdin Favoritin "Fa" R.I.P 14.7.2010 – 18.8.2016, Fa died extremly suddenly in cancer :-(

14.08.2016 Tallivahdin Hauptmann was BOS and won his first CAC, Irrlicht was BB4 and won RES CAC and Tallivahdin Breeder group became BOB with HP in National Show in Raisio!!! CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL!!!

03.08.2016 NO CH Tallivahdin Hasselhoff made BH test and is now ready to start also his working dog career - CONGRATULATIONS TEAM HASSE!!

02.08.2016 BH Tallivahdin Intensiv made a KK2 obedience test in Estonia and is ready for his last CAC and EST CH title - CONGRATULATIONS TEAM RUUDI!!!

01.08.2016 Tallivahdin kennel had inofficial but yet very real German breeding tests judged by Kirsten Wesche and there were 23 hovawarts of 1-2 year old and out of 5 different combinations! THANK YOU FOR YOUR GREAT WORK EVERYONE!!!

30.07.2016 14 Tallivahdin hovis from our 8 litters took part in Finnish Hovawart Club show in Tervakoski and the average result was EXCellent!

28.07.2016 8 year old Emanze made her seventh FH2 result and the first result as a veteran - CONGRATULATIONS LAKU & SARRI!!

22.07.2016 26. Finnish Hovawart Club Show on the 30.7. will have 266 hovis and 15 of them is from Tallivahdin kennel! PLEASE KEEP YOUR THUMBS UP FOR US! :-)

20.07.2016 Freiberufler made his first FH2-test in this year with good result 84/100 FH2 and the winner of 4 dogs - WELL DONE MY GOLDEN BOY!

19.07.2016 Tallivahdin Irrlicht "Hertta" made BH test today! - WELL DONE TEAM BLONDIES HERTTA & OUTI AND GOOS SPIRIT & LUCK ALSO IN THE FUTURE!

14.07.2016 Tallivahdin F-litter is 6 year old today - HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY REPE, IRA, OFELIA, FA & FASU!!!

13.07.2016 Tallivahdin Freiberufler is our new NO CH & NORD CH - my lovely SUPER-REPE <3

06.07.2016 Tallivahdin hovawart breeding & breeder Minna has got the famous Vuolasvirta breeder price of Finnish Kennel Club !!! NOW WE HAVE ONE REASON MORE TO CELEBRATE!!!

05.07.2016 10 Tallivahdin C-puppies are celebrating their 10 year Birthday today - HAPPY & JOYFUL B-DAY TO EVERYONE!!!

03.07.2016 Tallivahdin Hasselhoff became Norwegian Champion!!! CONGRATULATIONS TO TEAM HASSE!!!

30.06.2016 Tallivahdin Intensiv made BH test succesfully!!! CONGRATULATIONS TO TEAM RUUDI!!!!

27.06.2016 Tallivahdin had a succesfull show weekend: Ideenreich become Vice World Winner in Russian and Freiberufler BOS and BOB in Norway!

27.06.2016 Tallivahdin K-litter is 1 year old today - HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO EVERYONE!!!

20.06.2016 Tallivahdin Intensiv won his 2nd CAC in Estonia! CONGRATULATIONS TEAM RUUDI!!!

17.06.2016 Tallivahdin Idealfall "Wilma" made the Canine Good Citizen test - CONGRATULATIONS WILMA & VIRVE & PAVEL!

11.06.2016 Tallivahdin Ideenreich is now Russian Champion - MANY CONGRATULATIONS STEIN & ANTON & LUDMILA <3

14.05.2016 Tallivahdin Genie is the newest FH2 hovawart with nice 90/100 points! CONGRATULATIONS TO RITU & SATU!

30.04.2016 10 months old Kaiser was BM2 and won CAC in Tampere INT show and Hauptman became the fifth Best of 12 males! CONGRATULATIONS!

23.04.2016 Tallivahdin kevään kennelleiri oli SUPERMENESTYS: suojelun maalimies leikitti 22 hoffia lauantaina ja jälkihommiin osallistui 17 sunnuntaina. Kaikkiaan leirille osallistui 29 koiraa, 28 hoffia ja 25 Tallivahtia ja noin 25 ihmistä!!!

16.04.2016 Forscherin made VIRTA-test succesfully and is now official rescue dog and can help police etc in rescue operations - CONGRATULATIONS OFELIA AND SAANA!

10.04.2016 G-LITTER is 5 years today - HAPPY BIRTHDAY ALL 9 LOVELY DOGS!

09.04.2016 Finnish Hovawart Club year 2015 TOP 10 Working Hovawart List had 3 Tallivahdin Hovis! CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL!

06.04.2016 Tallivahdin was the most active FH kennel last year in Finland! We had 5 dogs among 52 FH2 listed dogs in the FH2 activity list of Finnish Working Dog Club. Freiberufler was in shared second place! CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL OUR FINE TRACKING DOGS!

14.02.2016 Tallivahdin Intensiv started his test career with good result 83/100 p in obedience test in Estonia - MANY CONGRATULATIONS TO RUUDI & ANDRES!!

30.01.2016 Tallivahdin Ideenreich was BOB and won CACIB in his home town Perm INT Show in Russia- CONGRATULATIONS TEAM STEIN! His CACIB brought me the last 3 points needed to have points enough (92) to apply the very appreciated Finnish Kennel Club Breeder´s price V

17.01.2016 7 Tallivahdin hovis out of 6 combination started their competition year EXCellently in TURKU INT Show :-) Our golden breeder group became BOB Breeder :-)

31.12.2015 Tallivahdin Joker 6 months old died in a cottage fire in Lapland

29.12.2015 Hasselhoff won his third CAC and became BOS in Norway - CONGRATULATIONS Hasse&Kent&Janette!


06.12.2015 Tallivahdin future mother dog Hoffen-Haus Penrosa won Helsinki Junior Winner JV-15 title and CAC by becoming BB4 - CONGRATULATIONS RAKSU&SANNA!

26.11.2015 Tallivahdin B-litter 12 year old today: CONGRATULATIONS Baden-Badener, Bewunderin and Brillanten

16.11.2015 Tallivahdin calender 2016 beautiful photos are now chosen and you can see them here :-)

15.11.2015 Tallivahdin Ideenreich made history of Tallivahdin in Russian by getting our first JUNIOR CHAMPION title! MANY CONGRATULATIONS TO STEIN, LUDMILA & ANTON! :-)

30.10.2015 In Finnish Hovawart FH Championship Games Forscherin and Freiberufler shared silver medals and EManze became the fourth - CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL!

17.10.2015 Repe is the first Finnish Working Champion of our kennel :-)

19.09.2015 Tallivahdin Forscherin made FH2 with 90 points - GREAT WORK OFELIA AND SAANA!

14.09.2015 NEW IN BLOG: How to breed working dogs?

12.09.2015 Tallivahdin Forscherin made PEHA-B and is ready to take official VIRTA-test in rescue! CONGRATULATIONS TO OFELIA &SAANA!

15.08.2015 Tallivahdin Freiberufler made his other result over 90 points 93/100 in FH2 - GREAT WORK SUPER-REPE!

12.08.2015 Tallivahdin Emanze "Laku" made her first FH2 result in Masku - CONGRATULATIONS LAKU AND SARRI!

09.08.2015 Tallivahdin future mother dog Hoffen-Haus Penrosa was BOB in Turku at the age of 13 months! CONGRATULATIONS RAKSU&SANNA!

29.07.2015 Very lovely bitch and the mother of our E-litter Tallivahdin Bildschön has passed away athte age of 11 years 8 months

26.07.2015 Tervakoski hovawart weekend went very well and the best Tallivahdin hovawart was FH2 TK1 BH Tallivahdin Englein - CONGRATULATIONS MANGO&MILI!

18.07.2015 Tallivahdin Hasselhoff made our kennel history by winning 2 CAC in same weekend in Norway - CONGRATULATIONS TEAM HASSE

14.07.2015 Tallivahdin Anbeter has passed away at the high age of 13 years 8,5 months - FAR WELL DEAR JASU <3

27.06.2015 SIX K-puppies were born on the 27.6. and they are big & strong!

17.06.2015 Tallivahdin J-litter with 11 puppies is born and everyone is feeling FINE!

16.05.2015 Tallivahdin Cremefarben made the first working dog test result in this season: FH2 with 86/100 points! GREAT DONE SISSI!!!

16.05.2015 Junior male Tallivahdin Hindernisläufer became BOS and won his first CAC in Rauma Show - GREAT DONE HEMMO & LEENA!

18.04.2015 J-litter is on their way.... Ira and Kaapo fell in love immediately when they saw each other today <3 <3 <3

14.04.2015 J and K puppies count down has started: Fährtenhündin started her heat 7.4. and Genie 14.4. WHAT A WONDERFUL PUPPY SUMMER WE ARE GOING TO HAVE!

11.04.2015 Show spring continued EXCellently: Repe BOS, his daughter Raksu 9 months BB3 RES CAC and Sissi BB4 :-)

10.04.2015 G-litter 4 years old today! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

29.03.2015 Tallivahdin Hasselhoff 13 months old started his show career with BOS & CAC in Turku INT Show and all 7 Tallivahdin hovis got EXCellent judgements from German Steffen Schock :-)

21.03.2015 Tallivahdin Ideenreich "Stein" 9 months started his show career as the BOB JUNIOR & JCAC in Russian Eurasia 15 Show - EXCELLENT WORK STEIN&ANTON AND LUDMILA! THANK YOU!

23.02.2015 E-puppies 7 years today - MANY CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL OF YOU!

20.02.2015 Third Tallivahdin hovi has been seen in TV: this time it is Ideenreich 8 months old in hovawart breed presentation in Russian television Vetta.

10.02.2015 Happy 1 year birthday to 11 H-puppies!

22.01.2015 NEW IN BLOG: Koiran arvo = The value of a dog

02.01.2015 NEW IN BLOG: The result review of Tallivahdin kennel in year 2014

25.12.2014 Merry Christmas and a Happy and Succesful New Year 2015 to all hovi lovers with some photos of our Xmas holiday in Hanko!

06.12.2014 In Helsinki Winner Show 5/6 Tallivahdin hovis got placements, our best was Ofelia with BB4, our golden breeder group became 2nd with HP! The father of H-litter Arttu made Finnish Hovawart history with IPO2 result! CONGRATULATIONS AND THANKS TO ALL OF YOU

26.11.2014 B-puppies are 11 years today - HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO Kylli, Molly, Peppi and Topi!


26.10.2014 Hindernisläufer "Hemmo" was BOB puppy and got HP in Seinäjoki INT show

25.10.2014 A SUPER DAY! 5 WORKING DOG TEST RESULTS ON THE SAME DAY: 3 good FH2 results, 1 very nice FH1 debute and a new rescue dog test result PEHA A! CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL!

05.10.2014 Nose ticks ruined our Finnish IPO-FH Champion Games and all that was left was the joy of participation

28.09.2014 Genie made FH1 with nice points 87 and is now the seventh FH hovi of Tallivahdin - GREAT WORK RITU & SATU

27.09.2014 Cremefarben won bronze in Finnish Hovawart Club FH Championship games with nice 88 points and Emanze became the fourth with 79 points - WELL DONE BLONDIES!

21.09.2014 Englein won bronze in S-W Finland district championship games in obedience in beginner class with 1 class result! CONGRATULATIONS TO MILI & MANGO!

20.09.2014 In Finnish Hovawart Club Working Dog Championship Games in national sports and Gauner got HK2 result and was the 2nd in his class and Freiberufler got JK2 and was the 3rd in his class! MANY CONGRATULATIONS BOYS AND THEIR OWNERS!

14.09.2014 Tallivahdin Hasselhoff 7 months old was BOB-puppy in Porvoo :-) CONGRATULATIONS TO HASSE AND HIS TEAM!

06.09.2014 Freiberufler started the autumn working dog test season with FH2 result -WELL DONE REPE!

26.07.2014 New puppy stars in Tervakoski Club Show and first class obedience results in Club Championship Games in beginner class with placements 1., 2., 4. ! CONGRATULATIONS EVERYONE AND THANK YOU ALL!

14.07.2014 F-litter 4 years old today - HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO Fa, Fasu, Fero, Ira, Ofelia and Repe!

07.07.2014 NEW IN BLOG: Tallivahdin fourth generation, a stallion foal and some observations of the estimated age of death and the amount of DM in Hovawarts in Finland

06.07.2014 C.I.B FI&SE CH HeJW-11 FH2 JK1 BH Tallivahdin Freiberufler become the father of 4 Hoffen-Haus P-puppies

03.07.2014 Our FWB mare Betti got a beautiful stallion foal on the pasture! FANTASTIC BABY BOOM CONTINUES!

10.06.2014 10 Tallivahdin I-puppies were born today: we got very equally 4 sm and 1 blond bitches and 4 sm and 1 blond males!

07.06.2014 Tallivahdin Fährtenhündin, Ira, made the top result of Tallvahdin kennel in Finnish mental test: her mental balance, courage and fighting spirit are all above normal working dogs in Finland:-D Great Ira and Marita!

25.05.2014 Tallivahdin Gauner "Onni" started his searching career with a nice result with scholarship HK1 - CONGRATULATIONS ONNI & MAARIT!

24.05.2014 Repe made Finnish mental test ;-)

16.05.2014 5 Tallivahdin hovawarts were listed in FH2 activity ranking list of Finnish Working Dog Club. WE MADE HISTORY AGAIN! THANK YOU ALL!!

13.05.2014 Tallivahdin Gewinnerin made BH and began our test season! Congratulations Mili&Melba! :-D Now you are ready for the real thing... FH!

08.05.2014 5 puppies of our I-litter has been seen in ultra sound today: GREAT WORK ROY & OFELIA :-)

07.05.2014 C.I.B FI&SE CH HeJW-11 FH2 JK1 BH Tallivahdin Freiberufler mated today with Hoffen-Haus Odessa :-) Litter shall be Hoffen-Haus P-litter

27.04.2014 Tallivahdin FH training weekend with a famous couch Outi Hermiö was very successful: 19 dogs in training! NOW IT IS SO NICE TO WAIT FOR SUMMER AND WORKING DOG COMPETITIONS :-D THANK YOU ALL !!!

10.04.2014 Ofelia and Roy mated succesfully and now we can wait for I puppies :-D

10.04.2014 G-litter is 3 year old today - HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO EVERY 10 PUPPIES!

29.03.2014 Ofelia started her heat and the history of Tallivahdin I-litter can begin! :-)

27.03.2014 Tallivahdin Forscherin is now officially International Champion C.I.B!!!! JUST MARVELLOUS WORK SAANA AND OFELIA!!!

20.03.2014 3 Tallivahdin hovis were listed in 10 TOP working-dog hovis in year 2013!

23.02.2014 E-litter is 6 year old today! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ALL OF YOU!

11.02.2014 H-litter has born and there is 11 lively puppies: 2 blond bitches, 6 blond males and 3 sm males. JUST FANTASTIC!

19.01.2014 Tallivahdin great success continued in Turku INT show: Repe was BOB and his mother Sissi BOS - MY LOVELY GOLDEN HOVIS! :-)

11.01.2014 Ofelia won her last CAC and can soon be called C.I.B FI&SE CH HeJW-11 FH1 BH Tallivahdin Forscherin! WHAT A BEAUTY!!!

09.01.2014 H-puppies are seen in ultra! JUST FANTASTIC NEWS AFTER TWO YEARS OF WAITING!!!

09.01.2014 Soon it will be in book shops:The great guide book to dog sports, in which I was asked to write an introduction of Hovawart!

05.01.2014 Our mare Arietta "Netta" moved today to the evergreen pastures at the age of 24,5 year old - we loved you Netta very much!

04.01.2014 MyDog INT show 2nd day in Gothenburg Freiberufler became BOB and Forscherin BOS. OUR GOLDEN HOVIS GOT THE JACKPOT IN SWEDEN!

03.01.2014 MyDog INT show in Gothenburg: Forscherin became BOB and is now yet unofficially C.I.B. and Freiberufler became BOS. FANTASTIC GOLDEN HOVIS!

22.12.2013 Little statistics to Tallivahdin results in year 2013 and MANY THANKS TO EVERYONE WHO MADE OUR YEAR SO SUCCESFUL! Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2014!

15.12.2013 The star of this year Winner shows was Freiberufler that bacame second best male in Nordic Winner 2013 show.

11.12.2013 Three Tallivahdin hovis are taking part in Helsinki Winner Shows next weekend: good luck Freiberufler, Forscherin and Genie!

09.12.2013 H-litter is hopefully in the beginning of their history - NICE DONE LAKU & ARTTU!

26.11.2013 B-litter is 10 years today! CONGRATULATIONS BESSI, KYLLI, MOLLY, PEPPI AND TOPI!

24.11.2013 Freiberufler "Repe" 3 years 4 months made FH2 with 90 points and his mother Cremefarben "Sissi" got also fine 88 points and her third FH2 result in this year!

27.10.2013 Forscherin made FH1 with nice 88 points and is now the sixth FH-hovawart of Tallivahdin! CONGRATULATIONS OFELIA AND SAANA OF YOUR GREAT WORK!

26.10.2013 Tallivahdin 6 hoviveterans from A-litter are 12 years old today! CONGRATULATIONS JASU, OBELIX, RONJA, SAGA,SARA and VENLA!

20.10.2013 Tallivahdin Eminent got HK2 (person surching) result with 243/300 points! CONGRATULATIONS HULDA & MAARIT!

06.10.2013 Tallivahdin hovis got 3 good FH2 result: Repe 85, Sissi 83 and Mango 80! JUST MARVELLOUS GOLDEN TEAM!

05.10.2013 Tallivahdin Emanze made FH2 result in very hard wind and Gauner made excellently BH test!

29.09.2013 Freiberufler got JK1 with nice points 274/300 - MY LOVELY SUPER-REPE!

21.09.2013 Englein won bronze in Finnish Hovawart Club FH-Championship games! JUST MARVELLOUS MANGO & MILI!

11.09.2013 2 Tallivahdin hovis has been accepted to Finnish Hovawart FH Championship games on the 21.9. in Masku: Good luck Mango&Mili and Sissi&Minna

08.09.2013 Repe mated with Nessa successfully and happy waiting has started!

29.08.2013 Our FWB mare Bellezza TR "Betti" is pregnant and next summer will be after a very long time again a FOAL SUMMER!

29.08.2013 Courbette made succesfully an ability test in water rescuing and with that she made the history of Tallivahdin! VERY WELL DONE CILLA AND MARJA!

04.08.2013 Elonäyttely in Turku: Repe BOB, Sissi 2nd best bitch and Mango working class EXC1 CQ! Very nice presentation of our lovely golden hovis!

29.07.2013 SUPER Hovawart weekend in Tervakoski went very well: 6 Tallivahdin hovis made all result in Obedience and in Club show 2/6 got placement and Tallivahdin became BIS3 Breeder! SUPER THANKS TO ALL IN OUR TEAM!

22.07.2013 In Finnish Hovawart Club Show and Obedience Championship there will be 7 Tallivahdin hovis!

14.07.2013 F-litter is 3 years today -very happy birthday and life as adults!

07.07.2013 Englein won her first CAC and became BOS! Cremefarben got result JK3 and became the 4th in forest tracking in working-dog championship games of Southwest Finland! JUST MARVELLOUS MANGO AND SISSI!

05.07.2013 11 lovely puppies of our C-litter became 7 years today! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ALL OF YOU ALL AROUND FINLAND!

04.07.2013 5 Tallivahdin hovis are on a training camp of Finnish Hovawart Club

19.05.2013 Cremefarben started Tallivahdin working dog season with a good FH2 result 84 points - SUPER SISSI!

09.05.2013 Tallivahdin Gewinnerin was the best bitch and won her first CAC! MANY CONGRATULATIONS MELBA&MILI!

06.05.2013 Tallivahdin Genie made BH test and is now ready for the real thing - FH1 ;-) Many congratulations Ritu and Satu!

03.05.2013 We found a great stallion to our FWB mare Bellezza TR! He is the Stallion of the year 2013 in Denmark : Heartbeat!

29.04.2013 Tallivahdin Emanze started her heat today and we have high hopes for our H-litter!

13.04.2013 Forscherin started Tallivahdin competition season with an obedience beginner test result

12.04.2013 NEW IN BLOG: My monology of cynology

10.04.2013 G-ppuppies are 2 years today! VERY MANY CONGRATULATIONS!

04.04.2013 Repe is now officially C.I.B. = International Beauty Champion

05.01.2013 Repe was BOB in MyDog Show in Göteborg Sweden and won the title of Swedish Champion and is now waiting for his C.I.B title to be official!!! SUUPEEER REPE!

31.12.2012 Our golden male Repe got today officially the title of Finnish Champion!!

08.12.2012 Helsinki Winner Show 2012 went excellently by Tallivahdin dogs: Freiberufler Working class EXC1 CQ 3rd best of all males and CAC and Forscherin Open class EXC3!!! JUST WONDERFUL OF OUR LOVELY GOLDEN HOVIS!!!

27.11.2012 This is a VERY sad day - Emanze was in ultra and there were no H-puppies :-(

26.11.2012 B-puppies are 9 years today - VERY MANY CONGRATULATIONS TO YOU ALL!

25.11.2012 Super-Sissi ended her working-dog test season with FH2 result and 87 points

11.11.2012 Tallivahdin Freiberufler "Repe" 2 years and 3 months made FH1 and is now the youngest Finnish FH-hovi! His mother Tallivahdin Cremefarben "Sissi" made FH2 with nice 89 points! OH, MY LOVELY GOLDEN HOVIS!

03.11.2012 H-puppies history began today on Halloween in Germany ;-D

29.10.2012 Tallivahdin Chorleiter "Rokka" was the biggest star on AVA TV in a serie of "Dog´s life" that is representating rescue as a dog-sport on 29.10. at 19.30 o´clock

26.10.2012 Seven Tallivahdin hovis from A-litter are today 11 years old - VERY MANY KISSES AND CONGRATULATIONS!

20.10.2012 C.I.B FI & SE CH JK3 FH2 Tallivahdin Cremefarben was BOB in Turku INT DOG SHOW !! Just wonderful SUPER-SISSI!

14.10.2012 Emanze "Laku" made her first FH2 result in her first test try! CONGRATULATIONS LAKU & SARRI! The winner of the class was her sister Englein and with these results they made Finnish hovawart history!

22.09.2012 Eminent started her working-dog career with a nice result HK1 in human searching in Finnish Hovawart Club Championship games in Merikarvia! CONGRATULATIONS HULDA AND MAARIT!

18.09.2012 Our FWB mare Bellezza TR was in a horse show for breeding registration and got very nice points 39!

02.09.2012 JK1 BH Tallivahdin Augenweide was BIS3 VET in Liminka Dog Show

26.08.2012 Genie became today EXC1 CQ in intermediate class and was the fifth of all bitches in Tervakoski INT Show

04.08.2012 Tallivahdin Cremefarben got JK3 in tracking and became the 4th in the working-dog championship games of Southwest Finland

03.08.2012 7 Tallivahdin hovis took part in FH coaching of Outi Hermiö

02.08.2012 Cremefarben was qualified to the first FH Championship games ever of Finnish Hovawart Club

29.07.2012 Tallivahdin kennel had again great success in Tervakoski Club Show: BIS2 breeder and 4 class placements! Our biggest star was FH2 BH Tallivahdin Englein that won working class and was the 4th best bitch!

22.07.2012 HeJW-11 BH Tallivahdin Forscherin was BOB today in Paltamo, MANY CONGRATULATIONS :-D

21.07.2012 Fantastic Augenweide 10,7 year old became BOB VET And 2nd best bitch in INT SHOW Kemi!

15.07.2012 Show summer got another excellent weekend: Augenweiden was BOB VET and 3rd best bitch in Oulu and Freiberufler 2nd best male and RES CAC in Lammi

14.07.2012 F-puppies are 2 years old today! Happy birthday and lot of kisses to you all!

08.07.2012 Tallivahdin Englein got FH2 and won the whole game in a summer heat FH-competition in Jämsä

07.07.2012 There will be 12 Tallivahdin hovis in the world´s biggest hovawart weekend in Tervakoski!

05.07.2012 C-litter became 6 years today - HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ALL YOU 11!!!

06.06.2012 Ofelia made BH succesfully and can now be called HeJW-11 BH Tallivahdin Forscherin

03.06.2012 FH1 BH Tallivahdin Englein became EXC1 CQ in working class and 4th best bitch in Lohja

30.05.2012 There were no H-puppies seen in ultra - Emanze was empty :-(

26.05.2012 JK1 BH Tallivahdin Augenweide was 2nd best bitch and BOB VET in Oulainen

20.05.2012 PetTV shows now FH-test on the 15.5.2012 that our little working-dog club Varsinaiset Hoffit organized!

20.05.2012 Tallivahdin summer show season started excellently: Augenweide was BOB VET and Forscherin 4th best bitch with RES CAC

12.05.2012 Sissi started Tallivahdin working-dog test season with a good FH2 result in very hard wind!

12.05.2012 Ofelia ran fast like a wind and became 2nd in sight hound unofficial cross country competition

30.04.2012 Emanze and Gomez fell in love and the history of H-puppies has hopefully began :-)

25.04.2012 Freiberufler made BH-test!

18.04.2012 Emanze started her heat today and the history of H-puppies can begin!

10.04.2012 Tallivahdin G-puppies are 1 year old today! MANY CONGRATULATIONS!

23.02.2012 Tallivahdin E-puppies are 4 years today :-) HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!

17.01.2012 New in blog IN ENGLISH: Supply and demand in kennel world

14.01.2012 Forscherin had a great start for new year: she won CACIB & RES CAC!

26.12.2011 The last news of 2011 is extremely sad: Günstling died when she was hit by a car

14.12.2011 Highlights of Tallivahdin very succesfull year 2011 & MERRY XMAS & HAPPY NEW YEAR 2012!

04.12.2011 The extremerly succesfull year 2011 got happy ending: Tallivahdin kennel won it´s first Winner-show titles with juniors Forscherin and Freiberufler

26.11.2011 B-puppies filled 8 years today - HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO VETERANS!

24.11.2011 7 Tallivahdin breeding dogs have beeing DNA-tested for Degenerative Myelopathie

21.11.2011 Busenfreundin became a hovi angel today

20.11.2011 Great success in INT Show for Freiberufler and Forscherin: Repe won BOB CAC CACIB and Ofelia was both days Intermediate class EXC2 and won RES CAC!!!

13.11.2011 Tallivahdin Emanze made FH1 today!!! JUST FANTASTIC LAKU & SARRI!!!!

26.10.2011 Seven A-puppies filled 10 years today!!!! MANY CONGRATULATIONS!!! :-D

09.10.2011 SUUUUUPER-SIssi continues to win: she became the fifth and the youngest FH2-hovawart in Finland in history!

17.09.2011 FI & SE CH (becoming C.I.B.) JK3 FH1 BH Cremefarben won the tracking championship of Finnish Hovawart Club!!!! SUPER-SISSI!!!

11.09.2011 Freiberufler was VERY successful in local dog show JUN EXC1 CAC BOS!

10.09.2011 Forscherin is the first hunting Tallivahdin hovawart :-)

08.09.2011 H-litter plans are getting more real :-)

30.08.2011 Emanze made BH-test succesfully and is now ready for working-dog tests, CONGRATULATIONS!

01.08.2011 The great hovawart weekend in Tervakoski went VERY successfully: Tallivahdin became BIS1 breeder! :-)

27.07.2011 Our very beloved bitch Abba has died suddenly

24.07.2011 Augenweide was the 3rd best bitch and BOB VET in Tornio INT DS, gratulations!

19.07.2011 In the world´s biggest hovawart happening in Tervakoski you can see 8 Tallivahdin hovis :-)

17.07.2011 JK1 BH Tallivahdin Augenweide, Saga, was the 3rd best bitch in Oulu INT DS and BOB VET both days!

15.07.2011 Sissi became BOS in INT show i Tvååkern and she got fine titles of CIB and S CH!

14.07.2011 F-puppies are today 1 year old - many congratulations !!!

10.07.2011 Abba was BOB in Alfta Sweden and became also Swedish Champion

05.07.2011 C-puppies are now 5 years old! Many congratulations!

17.06.2011 G-puppies found easily good hovihomes and are now officially represented on their own site

02.05.2011 G-puppies names have been sent to registration...

02.05.2011 Fährtenhündin was in schutzdienst for the first time, look her own site to see nice photos!

10.04.2011 10 G-puppies were born today :-D

01.04.2011 Mango moved to us and she is very BIG! :-D

09.03.2011 G-puppies were seen in ultra schau :-D

23.02.2011 E-puppies 3 years old - VERY MANY CONGRATULATIONS!

12.02.2011 Mango and James mated succesfully and our G-puppies are on their way :-D

27.01.2011 Englein started her heat and the future of G-puppies have begun :-D

23.01.2011 Tallivahdin kennel became 10 years old!

14.12.2010 G-litter plans are getting more real: father shall be black IPO3 VPG3 BH Delano von Andwari

12.12.2010 Cremefarben and Emanze represented Tallivahdin dogs in Helsinki Winner shows

30.11.2010 Now you can find representations of all Tallivahdin dogs also on www.working-dog.eu

26.11.2010 Congratulations to 7 years old B-puppies!

26.10.2010 Congratulations to 9 year old A-puppies!

24.10.2010 FH1 BH Tallivahdin Englein became the 3rd best of all bitches in international dog show

17.10.2010 Emanze and Englein have done the Finnish mental test needed for breeding abroad

03.10.2010 Tallivahdin hot weekend camp was the highlight of the year!

16.09.2010 R.I.P. Tallivahdin Abenteuer

12.09.2010 F-puppies have moved to their new homes and we all wait for HOT Tallivahdin weekend camp...

27.08.2010 F-puppies got micro chips and a veterinarian surchery

22.08.2010 F-puppies had visitors from Germany :-D

08.08.2010 We succeeded very well in organizing IPO tracks in Finnish working dog championship tests

25.07.2010 Anemone was EXC VET3 and the star of Tallivahdin dogs in Tervakoski Club Show

24.07.2010 Tallivahdin Englein 2 years and 5 months old got FH1 scholarship! FANTASTIC!

23.07.2010 F-puppies got their own SITE with many photos and NAMES :-)

18.07.2010 Augenweide won BOS & BOB VET in Ylivieska INT dog show, FANTASTIC SAGA!

14.07.2010 7 lovely F-puppies were born today and WE ARE SOOOO HAPPY :-D

12.07.2010 There shall be 6 Tallivahdin dogs in Tervakoski the world biggest hovawart show

05.07.2010 C-puppies 4 years old! MANY CONGRATULATIONS!

03.07.2010 Tallivahdin got fine results in Finnish hovawart working dog and breeder show ranking lists 2009

13.06.2010 Augenweide was BOB and her daughter won CAC, VERY MANY CONGRATULATIONS TO OULU!

10.06.2010 F-puppies were seen in ultra :-D

06.06.2010 Eminent made BH-test, congratulations!!!

22.05.2010 Sissi took part in FH2-test and the pregnancy was noticed for sure...

13.05.2010 Sissi and Cid vom Alten Schulweg mated succesfully in Germany

24.04.2010 Sissi was in mental test and is now ready to travel to Germany and meet Cid

24.04.2010 Tallivahdin Bewunderin is in TV4 in a program called Huvila&Huussi

04.04.2010 Tallivahdin was presented in Hovawartti-magazine 1/2010

28.03.2010 First Tallivahdin dog in MH-test, VERY GOOD Eminent !

23.02.2010 E-puppies 2 years old! MANY CONGRATULATIONS!

23.01.2010 Anemone the first Tallivahdin dog in veteran class got EXC and her daughter won CACIB and CAC!

14.12.2009 Tallivahdin 2 bitches in Helsinki Winner Shows

28.11.2009 Sissi was shining in Turku: she became BOS and got CACIB

26.11.2009 B-puppies 6 years, MANY CONGRATULATIONS!

11.11.2009 Tallivahdin Aristokrat has died, we miss you Retu!

01.11.2009 Sissi 3 years and 4 months got FH1 with 80 points!

26.10.2009 A-puppies are now 8 year old veterans, MANY CONGRATULATIONS!

11.10.2009 Tallivahdin Abendrot made my dream come true and got FH1 with 73 points

10.10.2009 Englein made BH-test, GRATTIS!

05.10.2009 Our dearest Nella 12,5 years old died today

16.09.2009 Grandmother Nella 12,5 years today, CONGRATULATIONS!

30.08.2009 Cremefarben won her first RES CACIB

27.08.2009 Capriole and Cid mated succesfully... hopefully we get F-puppies after two months

26.07.2009 Great Tallivahdin success in Finnish Hovawart Club Show Tervakoski: 4 placements and BIS2

05.07.2009 C-puppies 3 years old, CONGRATULATIONS!

03.07.2009 6 Tallivahdin hovawarts took part in Finnish Hovawart working dog camp

10.05.2009 Capriole won her first CAC, CONGRATULATIONS!

10.05.2009 Cremefarben got JK2 in tracking and became at the same time FINNISH SHOW CHAMPION! :-D

28.04.2009 Capriole made mental test and now her sextrip to Germany can be true!

19.04.2009 We trained for working dog tests in Tallivahdin weekend camp

21.03.2009 The father of E-puppies Hayaklause Fidato became INT CH!

16.03.2009 Sateenkaaren Thunderbird, our grandmother Nella, is 12 years old today! MANY CONGRATULATIONS!

01.03.2009 5 Tallivahdin dogs+owners had FUN in Finnish Hovawart Club winter camp

23.02.2009 E-puppies 1 year old today! CONGRATULATIONS!

15.02.2009 JK1 BH Tallivahdin Cremefarben was BOB and got her last CAC in Tampere

16.01.2009 Rescue dog JK1 PAHA PAJÄ Tallivahdin Abgott has died

14.12.2008 Tallivahdin 4 bitches got all VG in winner 08 show in Helsinki

06.12.2008 The father of E-puppies Hayaklause Fidato got VK2 and also title of FI CH!

26.11.2008 B-puppies 5 years today! VERY MANY CONGRATULATIONS!

26.10.2008 A-puppies 7 years today, VERY MANY CONGRATULATIONS!

23.09.2008 We are going to make a new participant record in Tallivahdin weekend camp

13.09.2008 Sissi was BOS and won her 2nd CAC in Helsinki

08.09.2008 Cremefarben strated her tracking career fine with scholarship JK1 with 266/300 points

30.08.2008 Cowboy was EXC and the 3rd best male and Cremefarben also EXC and 3rd best bitch and RES CAC

18.08.2008 Our FWB-mare Bellezza TR jumped the 2nd time 0 faults in 110 cm!

09.08.2008 Tallivahdin Cowboy made BH-test today, CONGRATULATIONS!

28.07.2008 Little E-puppies were the stars of Tallivahdin in Tervakoski

21.07.2008 There is going to be 6+2 Tallivahdin dogs in Finnish Hovawart Club Show Tervakoski

18.07.2008 Our FWB-horse Bellezza TR made 0 in show jumping 110 cm and was placed in 4th

16.07.2008 Sissi made BH test succesfully

10.07.2008 We came home from a dog show turnee Sweden - Germany

05.07.2008 C-puppies became 2 years today, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

07.06.2008 Cremefarben won her first CAC in the Million Dog -Show in Tuuri